Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pumpkin Cheesecake!

Pumpkins from our garden
I did not use them for the cheesecake
a. They were too cute
b. I like to use pie pumpkins for baking
c. Canned pumpkin is easier

 Pumpkin Cheesecake, just out of the oven

Chilled and ready to serve
Autumn Apple cheesecake recipe was from Sherry at Lamp Unto My Feet. I only made it gluten-free. Both cheesecakes are delicious!

For this photo, I snitched just a wee slice before guests arrived.
It's amazing what lengths one will go to for a blog post!

So finally, here's the recipe for Gluten-free pumpkin cheesecake:


1 pkg. Mi-Del (why do I always first think Midol??) Gluten-free ginger snaps, crushed. I find these at WalMart. Makes about 1.5 cups of crumbs. After I'd munched a few of the ginger snaps out of the bag, I had about the right amount remaining. Works out so well!
3/4 c. ground hazelnuts
3 T. brown sugar
6 T. unsalted butter, melted

Preheat Oven to 325 degrees F. Grease (cooking spray) a 9-inch springform pan.

Toss gingersnaps, hazelnuts, brown sugar, and melted butter until mixed. Press this mixture onto the bottom and a little up the sides of the springform pan.

3   8-oz. packages of cream cheese, softened
1 c. brown sugar
1 1/2 c. canned solid pack pumpkin
1/2 c. heavy whipping cream
1/3 c. maple syrup
1 T. vanilla extract
3/4 t. ground cinnamon
1/2 t. ground allspice
4 eggs

With an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese and brown sugar until fluffy. Stir in pumpkin. Mix in the cream, maple syrup, cinnamon, allspice, and vanilla. Beat eggs in, one at a time. Mix all until smooth.

Pour batter into prepared crust (above). I also set it on a cookie sheet because my springform pan was filled right to the top. I was supposed to bake it in the preheated oven for 90 minutes, but it took a good 120 minutes before it was done enough.

Remove from oven and allow to cool in pan for an hour, then refrigerate several hours before serving. I made mine in the afternoon of one day and served it the evening of the next day, so it was well chilled.

Which reminds me: Once I was in a restaurant in Stillwater, MN and ordered cheesecake. The server actually warmed it in the microwave before serving it to me. What?? She was young and ignorant. What more can I say. (well, plenty, but I won't.)

I'm kinda on a cheesecake kick. I hope it doesn't last long. I don't want to have to purchase an entire new wardrobe!

This is a great recipe to serve to guests. 

This post is linked to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
and Tasty Tuesday
and Tasty Tuesday Parade of foods
and Tuesdays at the Table
and Tuesday Tag-Along


  1. yum! I'll have to try this.


  2. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, ooooh my gosh!!! This looks beyond amazingly DELICIOUS! So need to make this for Thanksgiving. Thanks for posting! Visiting from Tasty Tuesday : ) Have a blessed day, friend.
    Love, Laura

  3. My friend, if you keep this up you are going to make gluten-free cooking my favorite way to go! :D

  4. Ok, I'm not big into the gluten free cooking, but mainly because I'm lazy :) This cheesecake may make me a gluten free baker if nothing else! OMG, it looks so delicious!

  5. Pumpkin cheesecake is so good!! Yours looks amazing, too. Awesome job!

  6. Lest ANY of you gets the mistaken idea that I'm not lazy, my husband's favorite line for me these days is: 'So...you've been a pirate again?' (it's a Veggie Tales thing).

    The Gluten-free ginger snaps are purchased, so this recipe really IS easy - even for a pirate!!

  7. YUMMY! I just sent this one over to my two dear friends who are gluten-free girls! Thanks so much! I just found out I gained 8.5 pounds in the last month, so I may have to hold off on baking for a while, but I have this one stored for one of those skinny days!

  8. P.S. Do you really just use 1/5 of a cup of pumpkin?

  9. Hey Judy! I popped over from Denise @ Shorty Bears Place and oh Wow....pumpkin cheescake.....glory hallelujah....be still my heart!!!

    I enjoyed looking around here and love all your furry critters photo's!!

    Following along with you now and hope you'll stop by my place for a visit sometime....I love meeting new bloggin' sisters in the Lord!!

    Blessings to you!

  10. CORRECTION: Please note that I've changed the amount of pumpkin to what it was supposed to be : 1 1/2 c.

    Thanks, Lana. :-)

  11. Mmmm, the taste of fall! That looks so good. I didn't know the first time I tried to make pumpkin pie using an actual pumpkin that there was a specific pumpkin for baking. Needless to say my pie wasn't edible:-)

  12. So you yummy! As soon as I saw pumpkin I was hooked! And you're right canned pumpkin is much easier! LOL
    Have a great day!

  13. That sounds good and I love how you make it gluten free. I like how it works out with your ginger snaps.

  14. I'm partial to a bit of cheesecake once in a while in a country teashop but not too often as I agree with the need to have a new wardrobe. The Pumpkin is a bit unusual in the place where I live so things don't usually stretch past the Pumpkin Pie at this time of year. I'm always inspired by new food and by the comments above, it seems to be an outstanding success.... My workmates ( mostly female) have started a Facebook challenge of everyone making some form of cake. Now maybe if I can find some canned Pumpkin then maybe......

  15. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE CHEESECAKE!!! :-) I'm done shouting now. I just had to scream that out.

  16. I'm so glad you said it - can pumpkin is soooooo much easier than cleaning and cooking and preparing the fresh ones. Pumpkin cheese cake?! I know I'll absolutely love this recipe, I just know it. It looks so good my tongue is hanging out. I usually have the plain kind with different toppings, but I'm trying this one for sure. This is a great share!

  17. Yum...

    I love anything with hazelnuts. Just the crust alone would be good with me. :) I think I could make myself SICK on the rest, it looks so good! Ah, but it's always better if someone ELSE makes it for you. Do you ship? ;)

  18. Pumpkin Cheesecake is my fav!! How could it not be, it combines two of my favorite desserts!

  19. One of my favorite things in the world!!!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  20. Oh, I absolutely ADORE pumpkin cheesecake! And I'm so, so impressed that you used gingersnaps ... :) I could be so happy just eating a slice (or two???) of that for dinner tonight!

  21. Have I ever told you that I want to be you??!! You're so talented and have SO much energy!! :)

  22. You've been featured!!! http://athomewithhaley.blogspot.com/2010/10/recipes-i-cant-wait-to-try-4.html

  23. Your pumpkin cheese cake looks amazing. I will have to try your recipe very soon.
    Thank you for sharing your recipe.

  24. This looks so delicious! Your pumpkins are so cute, too.

  25. This looks incredible. I can totally relate with the "going to great lengths for a blog post." My family must think I'm nuts when they see me snapping picture after picture of a cookie.

  26. I with you on going great lengths for a blog post. No one can eat anything in my house before I take a picture!

  27. The ingredient list for this cheesecake is fabulous! I must make a pumpkin cheesecake before fall is over. Thanks for the inspiration!

  28. YUM!! As a low carb-er, I will be having pumpkin cheesecake for Thanksgiving. Your version looks very good :)


  29. My mom always makes cheesecake and those are lovely. I'm gonna tell her to try out your recipe, though. She's gonna love it... as my tummy, too. :D


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