Monday, September 2, 2013

Prayer Request

 Reflections - Sand Creek, WI
August, 2013

“I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time- waking and sleeping. It doesn't change God- it changes me.” 

- William Nicholson, Shadowlands

And right now, I'm praying also because my best friend's son is in the ICU of a hospital in the Twin Cities. He nearly bled to death a few nights ago. It seems that the chest pains, which doctors had assumed were heart related, turned out to be a symptom of a bleeding stomach ulcer which had eaten through to his gastric artery. He has undergone surgery, but is by no means out of the woods yet. Please join me in praying for James and his wife and his parents. Pray that God will guide the doctors and nurses to be vigilant and alert and knowledgeable and accurate - and that James, God willing, will heal fully.


In you, Lord my God,
    I put my trust. 



  1. Prayers being sent Judy - the exact same thing happened to my girlfriend's brother - he'll be ok, I promise - but prayers are being sent just to make sure...........
    Much love,

  2. prayers are going up now..i hope and pray he will be ok..

  3. i am so sorry. must have been terrifying. now that surgery is through, we will pray he recovers!

  4. I will pray that has to be awful! I thought that C.S. Lewis himself wrote that comment.
    Prayer is the only answer.


  5. I will pray and I'll be watching for your word on his recovery. God bless him and his family.

  6. I join you in prayer for a full recovery for him. Nothing is impossible with God!

  7. Prayers lifted for all, and will continue. Oh my! What a terrible thing to have happen. Please keep us posted.

  8. Judy, I have sent up prayers for your friend James. How very scary. xoxo,Susie

  9. Prayers going out to that young man, those who love him and those who tend to him.

  10. I do believe in God's healing power. Definitely keeping the entire family in my prayers.

  11. Judy,
    We are praying.
    Love, Carla and family

  12. I love the Shadowlands prayer, and I prayed right away for complete healing for James, and for care for his wife and loved ones

  13. How awful. I pray that James makes a full recovery.

  14. I am James Aunt and I thank you for all your prayers. I am sure he will be good as new in no time. He will be in good hands with my sister as soon as he gets home and The good Lord.

  15. God hears. Joining you right now in prayer.

  16. How scary. I'm sending prayers, hope he heals quickly.

  17. I am praying for James and his family.

  18. My prayers are for everyone involved in this young man's struggle to live....and especially him.

  19. Praying for healing and guidance.

  20. I am so sorry, sending out my thoughts and prayers.

  21. I only just read this, and I'm so sorry to hear that he had to go through this, I will continue to pray for his recovery, I LOVE Your quote and I put it on my facebook page! Tammy x

  22. I'm late getting to this, but am praying your young friend is OK.


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