Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hodgepodging the Dog and Pony Show

Tuppence, appalled by the American version of 'The Mirror Crack'd.'
(see #8, Random)

Join Joyce and the gang for...

She writes the questions,
we write the answers.
Copy the button to your own blog post,
answer the questions,
then link up to the Hodgepodge
on Wednesday mornings.

1. Did you watch The Oscars? How many of the Best Picture nominees have you seen? (American Sniper, Birdman, Boyhood, Selma, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Imitation Game, The Theory of Everything, and Whiplash)

I did not, nor do I ever, watch The Oscars. I have seen none of the movies listed, although as time goes on, I may see one. I'm not against watching movies, but am not caught up in the annual Hollywood Dog and Pony Show. Actors, like anyone else employed, are people with a job. Some are underpaid, and some are very much overpaid. They live in a parallel universe, one which rarely touches the reality of most Americans' lives, and yet some Americans care so much about them, want to know what they eat, drink and wear, what they like and don't like. I just don't get it. I also don't get why it is that many Americans resent the wealthy (often the very people who write their paycheck), but sever that logic from the fact that many of the Hollywood 'stars' are wealthy beyond their humble imaginations. 

Do you think actors should use their acceptance speeches as an opportunity to promote their political and/or social agenda? Does that sort of speech make you more or less inclined to change the channel?

You may be surprised to read that yes, I do think that actors can (not necessarily 'should') use any opportunity they want to advance their causes. I think that while we still have some degree of free speech in this country, I don't see why they, like the rest of us, can't voice their opinions. But no, it won't make me change the channel because I won't be on that channel anyway. 

 The best movie I've seen in years, maybe ever

2. Speaking of the movies... are you comfortable going to a movie alone? How about dinner in a restaurant (not fast food, but an actual restaurant)? The second half of this question was posed by Carrie who blogs over at It's Not Easy Being Queen. Thanks Carrie!

I don't think I've ever gone to a movie alone. Part of the fun of a movie is sharing it with someone else. I've only eaten in a restaurant alone a few times in my life, and now I rarely eat in a restaurant, period. Why pay good money for a meal that's going to make me feel worse than when I went in? I much prefer to cook a good meal at home. I know where the food came from, how clean the kitchen is, who made the food, I know that it's not sauced or breaded or covered in poison of any kind, etc.

3. What's the last home repair or home improvement project you had to pay someone to complete? In hindsight was this a project you could have done yourself?

Mr. C. does all the home improvements around here, unless you consider cleaning and laundry to be a home improvements, which I do.

4. Have you ever had Indian food? Like it or no? If you're a fan, what's your favorite dish? Have you ever prepared this yourself at home? Is there an Indian restaurant in your current hometown?

I think I have eaten at an Indian restaurant only once, and that was in Cirencester, England. It was wonderful. I don't remember what I ordered, but I was there with my daughter on my first trip to England. It was magical. They could have served me beetle noses with curry and I probably would have loved it.

5. A song that reminds you of your parents?

'Great is Thy Faithfulness.'  My parents were both rock solid believers in Christ, and I know that this is a song that could have been their theme song. How grateful I am for parents who loved me and loved God with all their hearts. That love affected every facet of their lives.

 How grateful I am that we have a merciful, loving, and faithful God.

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; 
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
 Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
6. The 26th of February is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day. What's your favorite, or one of your favorite, fairy tales? Do you have any childhood memories associated with a particular fairy tale?

I loved all the fairy tales that came from my 1949 set of Childcraft. I don't have a particular favorite, but I liked the dark and scary stories and loved the artwork in that edition. So beautiful.

Jack & The Beanstalk

7. What's a problem you solved yesterday?

I took my glasses to the optometrist so that they could adjust them. They were difficult to use after I had sat on them and put one of the bows at a 20 degree angle. I did manage to straighten them enough to wear them, by lighting a candle and holding the hinge over the flame for a few seconds, then gently bending, then repeating that process three times. It made them wearable, but not perfect. I needed to take them in for an adjustment.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

The other night we decided to watch the American movie version of Agatha Christie's 'The Mirror Crack'd.' The next night we watched the British version of the same story, so that our granddaughter, who is currently living with us, could see the difference. Why does anyone watch American TV? It was horrid, loud, obnoxious, and extremely annoying. The British version was completely different, almost hard to remember that it was supposed to be the same storyline. The American version starred Elizabeth Taylor and a host of Hollywood stars. The British version had the same people we know from the other British mysteries we watch, and although it's not my favorite story, was so much better, with a cast who seemed like ordinary people. Imagine that - ordinary people! There is a reason we seldom go to the movies and never watch network TV.

The perfect Miss Marple - Joan Hickson


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Have a great Wednesday, everyone. We'll be gone for a couple days to see our daughter and her family. See y'all soon!

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Monday, February 23, 2015

Wisconsin Barns and Good Fences and a Happy Grandbaby

You might remember the  Wisconsin Barns post I put up a few weeks ago, the one with the pink barn? Well, pink is just the wrong color for a barn! But this barn north of Tilden is the most beautiful shade of green, and we pass the end of it every time we take Hwy 53 south to Eau Claire.

This time, instead of just passing by at a distance, we took [I think it was] CTH Q , in order to get a closer look. I am so glad we did! This barn is a beauty.  I love the cow pictures on the south side (above), the cupolas, and the two little stone additions, probably milk houses. I'm thinking that the one in the photo above is the original, with the other one being the newer milk house.

I believe that this is the east end of the barn. Maybe this is the newer milk house, for it would be closer to the road, easier access for the milk hauler. I suppose if I were willing to be really [intentionally] annoying, I could have knocked on the door and interviewed the owners. I don't like to do that. It's not that I don't like to talk to people. If they were in the grocery store and I couldn't find the Greek yogurt, I might actually ask whomever was nearby, then talk about the weather, grocery shopping, etc. But that's different. This seems more personal. Now if they had been standing outdoors, looking like they had nothing to do but answer silly questions from curious passersby, I would have felt more comfortable about asking them. But they weren't.

Aren't you glad we got that settled?

Wouldn't kids enjoy the top of that milk house as a playhouse? I sure would have. Even now!

This is what we usually see when we 'fly' by on Hwy 53. I snapped this while we were going 65 mph. Right. I wasn't driving.

This huge display of signs of local businesses and churches is on display where the road comes to a T after coming off the highway.

Doesn't the end of this barn look a little like Charlie Brown?

This barn is located NE of Rice Lake, WI. Definitely in the bleak mid-winter. Can't you feel the cold looking at that photo! It is cold. Miserably cold. We're all ready for winter to go away.

And now for a peek at
Grandson, who just turned 6 months old,
celebrating by
 trying to get out of his clothes!

Happy Baby!
Photo sent to me by his mama. :-)


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Friday, February 20, 2015

Remembering Summer

Cranberry Bush, Winter 

I thought I'd post this series of winter/summer photos to remind us, who are weary of the snow and cold, that summer will come again. Despite -20 F. temps here and unrelenting snowstorms in eastern and southern states, we have every confidence that we will enjoy warm weather and beautiful, flowering plants again in a few months. Add another month for Wisconsin.

 Cranberry Bush, Summer

 Astilbe, Winter

Astilbe, Summer

 Echinacea, Winter

 Echinacea, Summer

Rudbeckia, Winter

Rudbeckia, Summer

View From Our Deck, Winter

View From Our Deck, Summer

I would imagine that it won't be long before some of you are planting your cool-weather crops. Right now, it's almost hard to imagine.

We can't set out tomato plants until about the 5th of June. Parsnip seed can be planted in early May. How about you? When can you sow seeds directly in the soil and when can you set out tomatoes?

 In a few months, we'll see all this glorious color!

But for now, we'll wait...

and be content with...

Colorful sunrises.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


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'Chai Tea'
Handcrafted, vegan soap

...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at

Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Amaze Me Monday and Inspiration Monday and Mosaic Monday and The Barn Collective and    Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Our World Tuesday and Tuesdays at our Home and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and Artsy Corner Thursday and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Simple Saturdays Blog Hop and Saturday's Critters

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Hodgepodging by Degree and Amish Bowls

Knitting and Tinking and Ripping Again

Starting on another of Lillie's Little Sweaters pattern. I was almost done with the hood when I realized that when I shifted from the front part of the hood to the back, I was off. But just a bit. I kept hoping it would go away, but of course it looks terrible and I'm having to rip out several rows and start again. I've done this twice now. I've also been getting practice on How to Pick Up A Dropped Stitch and UNknitting, also known as Tinking. This is what happens when you don't pick up knitting needles for two years. Let it be a lesson.

Join Joyce and the Gang
at From This Side of the Pond.
She writes the questions,
we write the answers.
Check it out!

1. When did you last have to interact, either by phone or in person, with someone in a government run agency? On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the experience? (10 being fabulous and 1 being pass the Tylenol)

I think the last time was a phone conversation with someone from the county extension office. I find them very helpful, so probably a 10. On the other hand, I have had the experience of being frustrated by the multi-menu phone call where I never get to talk to a real person, but instead try to converse with a computer. It's horrid and I'd say a -8. That's the phone. In person, I find that these days the hospital becomes an extension of the government with all the paperwork they now have to fill out regarding healthcare. It's becoming a burden too great to bear and I'm afraid will put out of business some of the good hospitals (and doctors) we've had in this country for so long.

2. The current governor of Wisconsin is considering a run for President next time around. Walker attended Marquette University, but never graduated. In terms of any candidate running for the office of President (not asking here if you agree or disagree with Scott Walker's politics) would the lack of a college degree influence your vote or no? Would that be a factor in your support of any candidate running for public office, even a role less weighty than President?

I've known brilliant people who didn't get a college degree and stupid people who did. A college degree isn't the best indicator of intelligence. In some cases, a college degree is little more than a record of attendance. Intelligence is evidenced by an inquisitive mind, a teachable spirit, determination, and perseverance. I've heard of Rhodes Scholars who spent time trying not to inhale and graduates of Columbia University and Harvard Law School who managed to become President and spend as much time as possible on the golf course while ignoring the greater issues going on in the world, and getting in as much vacation time as possible at taxpayer expense. So, I think it's obvious that a college degree is no guarantee of an effective presidency or any public office. Or should I say at least effective in the direction that most Americans would want from their leader. Maybe as voters, we should base our decision on actual experience in leadership and qualifications in the real world, rather than a piece of paper that means little, except for club membership.

3. When did you last visit a place or site named for George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, and what was that place or site?

The Lincoln Oasis on I-80.

4. February 16th was President's Day in the US, but did you know it was also National Almond Day? I didn't think so : ) Do you like almonds? If so, what's a food/dish/recipe you enjoy that contains almonds? 

No, I did not know that, but I should be celebrating, for I love almonds and eat them almost every day. I'm sure that at least 10 pounds of my weight is due to almond consumption.  I like KIND bars that have almonds in them and love a chicken or pork stirfry with almonds sprinkled on top.

 Pork, Apple, Almond Stirfry

 Okay, I think this chicken stirfry actually has basil pesto on it,
but just imagine it with almonds. I make it that way a lot too.

5.The television program Saturday Night Live celebrated it's 40th anniversary this past weekend. Were/are you a fan of the show? If so what has been your favorite (or one of your favorite) skits, sayings, or characters that came out of the program?

I've never been a big fan of SNL, but I did watch a few episodes back when it used to be funny. That would have been about 40 years ago.

6. Anything purple within ten feet of you? What is it?

The only purple thing I see within 20 or maybe even 50 feet of where I'm sitting is a watercolor pen.

7. Back in December I asked you to submit a question for a future HP as part of a giveaway I was hosting. I grabbed this one from those entries, submitted by Zoanna who blogs over at Penchant for Pens. Thanks Zoanna!

She asks, "How often do you make your bed, and how do you like to make it-pull the covers all the way up over the pillows, tuck the covers in around the pillows, or place all the pillows on top of the covers?" 

Wow, this is a bit invasive, isn't it??  When I'm in the mood, I'll make the bed with everything nice and straight and pillows on top with more pillows on top of those. Otherwise, in a rush, it's pull up the covers, and mostly so that the cat has a nice place to lie during the day. You'll notice that I never put up photos of our bedroom. There is a reason (besides the fact that it's a bedroom, which should be reason enough.)

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I told Mr. C.'s cousin, who is a good friend of the Amish in the Westby area, that I would put his ad for the Amish-made bowls on my sidebar. The bowls are beautiful. I have two others, one a small nut or candy bowl and one large lazy Susan bowl. The craftsmanship is amazing.


I can't remember if I took this at Raymond's or Daniel's


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English Rose
Lady Mary

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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Amaze Me Monday and Inspiration Monday and Mosaic Monday and The Barn Collective and    Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Our World Tuesday and Tuesdays at our Home and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and Artsy Corner Thursday and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Simple Saturdays Blog Hop and Saturday's Critters

Monday, February 16, 2015

Wisconsin Barns and Good Fences

This photo is straight from my cellphone. I loved the bright blue sky that set off that white barn, which belongs to our neighbors. You might be able to tell from the flag that Saturday was a horribly windy(and cold, about minus 10 F.) morning.

Barn and milkhouse
A barn like this would probably have been built with 20-24 stanchions for milking cows and maybe a couple pens, one for small calves and one for larger heifers.

This photo was taken on the same property, but I'm not sure what this little shed is about. Almost looks like an old corncrib. See the beautiful fence and hill rising up in the background? I love the rolling hills of our neighborhood.

Cupolas, common to this type of barn.


I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day weekend.

 The littlest tulip lover


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