Friday, November 4, 2016

Millions of Cats

Our home has been taken over by a cat (and her kittens) who were dropped off at the end of our driveway a while back. We think the kittens are about 6 weeks old now. Of course I have five photos to share with you, and I'll have to say that the more we watch these kittens, the more hesitant I am to give them away. 

But really!

I know, I know. It's reminding me too of the book by Wanda Gag:

'Hundreds of cats,
Thousands of cats,
Millions and Billions and Trillions of cats!' 

 Look at that little Tommy, hissing at his sweet sibling!

  And playing with the shoestring tied to the chair

 Boots, Baskets, Shoelaces
What could be more fun for kittens!

 Last but not least:

This scene reminded me of my dear, departed Aunt Esther. Years ago, when my sister was frequently nursing her 10 month old infant, Aunt Esther could not help remarking:

'Young man, you can't go through life with your mother hanging out of your mouth!'


Sharing this with Amy
Five On Friday

Also linking to
Eileen's Saturday's Critters

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Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



  1. The kittens are the cutest! I could watch them play for hours. Thanks for sharing these images with us. God bless your weekend.

  2. Love your aunt's quote - and the photos of the cats. They are undoubtedly cute. I remember my mother once decided she could make money from breeding Siamese cats. At one point, there were 13 of the things - and a long-suffering dog. Chaos. And think of the vets' bills, CM... :-)

  3. They are just too adorable for words. I say keep all of them unless you have a dear friend or relative that will give a good home to one of them. My daughter-in-law has none dogs and 5 cats three horses make that four horses and a lot of other things I can't remember. The cats are good therapy and will keep you healthy

  4. They are so cute!! I almost spit out my cereal at your Aunt Esther's comment!! LOL

  5. Ha! Ha! Ha! As soon as I read your title that book came right to my thoughts. I'm sure you know she's from Minnesota and you can visit her family home in New Ulm.
    Link to her house.

  6. I did smile at your Aunts quote. Beautiful little kittens,

  7. How I would love to have one of your kittens!

  8. Growing kittens are so much fun to watch as they explore and learn new things. have fun while it lasts. Did you name them after actors?

  9. Oh these pictures are the best! What fun you must be having.

  10. How can you not be mesmerized by the kittens?? I'm sure they are very entertaining..I would have a tough time giving them up..Do you think Max needs more company?? I'm allergic to some cats so it's always hard for me to find one..

  11. I forgot about your beautiful pictures..Love the "gated community"..Looks just like Pa..

  12. Judy, if I were to keep just one of those kittens, I'm sure you can guess which one it would be! I wouldn't be able to part with Tommy. Aunt Esther must have been a hoot!

  13. Your Aunt Esther was a card! Sounds like some of my departed aunts. And those kittens are so sweet. You must keep them and get them to the vet before you have millions! ♥

  14. God bless you for taking them in! I would have done exactly the same thing - well, actually, I HAVE done the same thing - but just one (sad) case after the next - and now we have a thriving family of six who started with nothing and live like royalty here!
    I think you'll agree with me that having them all spayed/neutered in their new homes is the way to go!

  15. You're going to have a time letting go of those precious babies. And the mother is so beautiful. How can people be so cruel? You're putting stars in your crown by taking them in.

    Your aunt was a wise woman. Well said.

  16. I really like the kittens. They do bring a new life to a household as they explore and play all day. And then they all do nap at the same time too.

  17. What beautiful little kittens. They look so curious. Very nice of you to take them in. I hope you find good homes for them.

    Happy Five on Friday

  18. You have probably spent more time laughing lately? :) How adorable!!

  19. I bet you will bawl like a baby when those little ones leave to go to new homes. They are ALL just so cute. I don't think there is anything much cuter than a kitten (or a puppy for that matter). I would have a hard time letting them go, too. xo Diana

  20. They really are darling! It's been a long time since I've had a kitten. My last few cats have been adopted full-grown. I'll bet they keep you entertained all day! x K

  21. They are so adorable those little kittens and there are some wonderful to watch playing with all the things you have for them

  22. They are darling! Perhaps will be very useful, too, for keeping the mouse population down. And I do adore James Herriot's "The Christmas Day Kitten," which your photos remind me of. Aunt Esther sounds like a pip. There's one or two in every family who is openly disapproving of feeding a baby in the natural way. =D

  23. Just plain delightful . . .
    It is so true . . .
    "it's the little things"
    That bring so, so much joy . . .
    In this case, kittens, shoelaces and milk . . .

  24. How do you abandon an animal. Hard to deal with so many, but i couldn't just leave them, they're so cute.

  25. Lots of fun activity to see when you have kittens about. Cute. Hope you find good homes for them...or not. :) Have a good weekend.

  26. Hi Judy

    I loved the "Millions of Cats" book as a child and I totally forgot to buy it for my grandchildren. I'm going to correct that now. Your kittens are so cute! I hope you will find good homes for them all, or a reliable pet store that will take them to adopt them out if you decide not to keep them all that is!

  27. Cute kittens. Whatever will you do with them?

    My husband tells me the soap arrived. I am away from home in NH helping daughter recover from surgery which prevents her from lifting anything heavy including granddaughter aged 2.5. Thank you again for picking me. I look forward to using it.

  28. Mercy! They are just precious!! So fun to watch. I would've done the same thing....I'm big on animal rescue. It is hard to give them to good home though!

  29. Oh so adorable and sweet photos ~ will be hard to let go of them I bet ~ thanks!

    Wishing you time your way ~ to enjoy ^_^

  30. Cuteness overload much? LOL LOVE what your Aunt Esther said. That's great! The kittens are so cute. I enjoyed the pictures. I remember how much fun kittens are to have around. Very entertaining.

  31. I wouldn't be able to give them up either, and what a great place you have for kittens, cats, and dogs! They are absolutely adorable!

  32. It's going to be hard to give up those sweet, adorable kittens.....
    I had to laugh at your late aunt's take on the nursing situation. lol

  33. So cute and playful. Kittens bring lots of joy.

  34. So cute!! I've always been a cat person!

  35. I do miss my cats now that they have gone. I often look at my dog, little Tia, and think, "why can't you be a cat and do your own thing?!". I do think I am more of a cat person and your pictures certainly raised my heart rate and also a smile. Take care. Chel x

  36. Oh you really have made my day. Such beautiful photos. My two cats are thirteen now. No longer kittenish but still gorgeous. B x

  37. I love Aunties saying! The kittens are so cute and playful, they must keep you very busy. The ginger one reminds me of my brothers old cat Tiggy. He was a great character.

  38. Oh those kittens are sooooo cute! And endlessly fascinating, I bet. When our cats were tiny I used to spend ages just watching them play. Hope you have had a good weekend. x

  39. Cats, cats everywhere!
    Lovely photo's.

    All the best Jan

  40. Oh, those kittens! Such sweetness...such entertainment!

    Has Tuppence accepted her friends? (Enemies? Competition?)

  41. I would be wanting to keep them all! There is nothing more adorable than kittens.

  42. We always had cats until we became a dog family 15 years ago. I wish my family wasn't so allergic. I love the companionship of a kitty cat.

  43. OH my goodness! I want to come and play at your house! Lol!! Kitten cuteness overload. I could look at them and this post over and over (and I did). ;)

    And love that quote! Ha!
    Blessings. xoxo

  44. The kittens are adorable and it will be hard to let them go. "Aunt Esther" made me laugh and brought back memories -- we knew a lady just like her when we were young parents. (In addition to remembering her tart tongue and the way she knew what was right for everybody, it's making me smile at myself remembering how terribly "old" I thought this lady was -- and how she was certainly younger than I am now. Funny how that perception changes! )

  45. That statement by your Aunt is hilarious....;-) Such cute kittens!

  46. Love your kittens. They bring such joy.

  47. The kittens are so adorable!!! I wouldn't be able to give them away. I have a friend that her daughter moved back home for awhile, she now has two dogs and four cats in her house.

  48. Had to check this post out. Kittens are so fun - These look adorable. It would be hard to give them away.


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