Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Claude and Maude c. 1893

I've been trying to figure out just which two children of the Timblin family are in this photo. Since John McClellan Timblin and his wife Mary Susan Sophia Hunt Timblin had one son, Claude, then I'm assuming that it's the sister closest in age to Claude, who is sitting for this photograph. That sister would be my grandma, Maude (Timblin Petersen Haselhuhn.)

The birth dates for these two are 1887 and 1889. Although the photo is undated, I think that the year 1893 fits, for if it had been taken later than that, the next child, Ruby, would most likely have been in the photograph also.

Poor Claude. He had six sisters! At least they wouldn't have been fighting over who gets the shower next.

I never knew my great uncle Claude, but I did have the privilege of knowing my great aunts: Ruby, Hazel, Jessie, Verna, and Bessie. Except for Bessie who died of cancer in 1967, my great aunts all lived to their nineties. I remember attending Great Aunt Ruby's 100th birthday party!

All of those great saints looked forward to seeing their Savior. What a blessing it is, to have such vivid memories of their hospitality, their generosity, and their faith in God.

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