Friday, March 19, 2010

The Travel Diary of Samuel Peeps Day Eight

Drove about 25 minutes south of where we're staying to see Mike and Natalie

Heather, Amos, and Cherish at the Wycliffe Center. Arrived just as Cherish was finishing a science test. If she got anything less than 100% on the test, she can blame us for hovering nearby, making too much noise!

The family put on a great lunch for us, including delicious, crispy burgers by Mike, then took us to the International Museum of Cultures, where we got an amazing tour of the place.

The docent at the museum showed us exhibits from various countries where Wycliffe Bible Translators has established a base in order to do Bible translation work.

It was so good to see Mike and Natalie again, and a special treat to spend time with Heather, Cherish, and Amos as well. Heather is working part time at the museum, Natalie is working in accounting, and Mike in maintenance. It was kind of them to take the time to show us around and make us feel welcome.

In the evening, I made a version of chicken cacciatore for supper while Angela baked an early birthday cake for Gus.

I'm not sure it was a good idea to let him decorate it. :-)


  1. Wonderful post ...I enjoyed it and especially all the photos. The cake...well I might have had to put a scarf over my eyes before I could eat it! (just kidding Gus) I see Samuel found a few friends. They do look like they are related to Kermit though. (maybe distant cousins?) Hurry home my friend. :D

  2. I am eager to get home. We're all getting a little travel-weary, and that includes Samuel!


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