Monday, May 10, 2010

Babies, deBate, and Borscht

We spent the weekend with Dänika and John. It was so good to see them again, and fun to spend time with them. It is the first time since finding out that they're expecting a baby in August that we got to see them. Below are the little mother and child.

We helped Dänika and John go through a list of possible middle names for the baby, and weighed in on the ones we like. I'll keep them a secret for now.

Chef John made us his famous borscht. It was wonderful, despite Dänika's warnings. :-) I forgot to get the recipe, but I know it had beets, carrots, onion, vinegar, red wine, caraway seeds, and beef. He put sour cream in his serving, but how food looks is important to me, and with the sour cream mixed in, trust me, it didn't look very appetizing. I like the bright red of the beets just fine, thanks.

The borscht. It even looks pretty in a soup bowl.

Kevin, coming up for air in one of the few debates we enjoyed while visiting with them. John and Kevin are both excellent debaters, well informed in their subject matter, and they even let me occasionally get a word in...occasionally. :-) We appreciate John's intelligence, his wit, and his ability to debate without getting angry.

On Sunday afternoon we went to Half Price Books and Whole Foods in Indianapolis. Where else does one go in the Big City?? I laughed at the fact that those are the same places we go with Ang and Gus too. :-) Can't go wrong with a good used book store and someplace to find gluten-free foods and wonderful olives and cheeses!

Kevin and I.

We had to get a photo of this sign on the way home. I think it's between Tipton and Frankfort, Indiana. Quite an amazing claim, isn't it! You'd think they'd want to keep that sort of thing a secret, wouldn't you.

We probably won't see Dänika and John again before the baby is born. We miss them and wish we could see them more often. We're hoping that John gets a teaching position in Wisconsin. It would be wonderful to be able to spend time with them more often and to see our little grandson on a regular basis.  And there are many more subjects that John and Kevin must debate, I'm sure. :-)


  1. Beautiful daughter, nice looking son-in-law with the apron and also loved the photo of you and Kevin. The soup looks delicious and I would opt for the sour cream too. Glad you had a wonderful time. :D

  2. I'd love to go to Whole Foods someday... I wrote a case study analysis on them last term... fun stuff.

  3. What a wonderful Mother's Day weekend you had!!!

  4. That is a terrible picture of me! Maybe you could pixelate my face and say it was just a random pregnant woman who stopped by john and danika's house and posed for a picture? I'd like to think I don't usually look that haggard. :P

    I'm so glad you guys came for a visit! By the way, John is warming up some borscht for himself for lunch right now. :)

  5. Thank you for stopping by my blog! The blue flowers that you asked about are bluebonnets - the Texas state flower. Aren't they just beautiful?! Being a native Texan, I think they are my favorite. Transplanted in Oklahoma for the time being, we don't get to see them much.

    I saw the beautiful blossoms that you posted as well. Love, love, love the crabapple tree. Would certainly enjoy that in my yard. Definitely qualifies as one of God's fingerprints!


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