Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time to Worship

How can it be that even an early riser such as I am, can often get so busy that I don't get my shower before noon? I don't go away to a job, I'm home most days, and my kids, at least most of them, are grown up and gone from the house - except for the furry ones who follow me  from room to room and bark at anyone who comes to the door.

How easy it is to become totally engrossed in something, anything, and not stop to take time to worship. Of course I am thankful that God knows our frame, that we are but dust, and I know that it's not like He's in Heaven wringing His hands because He hasn't heard from me since yesterday. He seems to have managed the Universe just fine without me...

...but the fact that I wouldn't be able to take a single breath without His sustaining power should make me ever aware of my need for Him. 

So, rather than fold the batch of clothes or check my blog or empty the dishwasher or scoop the litter boxes, I will take time to worship God first - to read God's word- renewing my mind, and to talk to Him - before transplanting my tomatoes, cleaning the pond, turning my soaps, cleaning off my desk,  vacuuming up the ever-present dog hair, or any of the myriad of little tasks that are going to fill my day.

Because more than anything else, I need Him.  He, and He alone, restores my soul.

And my soul greatly needs restoration. Always.

P.S.  And I'm scheduling this to post in the morning...  :-)


  1. You are so right my friend. We busy ourselves with things that could not possibly ever compare to the majesty of our Savior. Time spent with Him is the best time of the day.

  2. As always, a lovely post! So very true!
    Lots of love from the MN Masruds...

  3. And as long as we live in this world, I suspect it will always be somewhat of a struggle to keep our priorities straight - at least for me!


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