Friday, June 11, 2010

Another Rainy Day

It's been raining off and on all week - mostly on. Tuesday brought a great 'farmers' rain.' The old expression regarding hope for the corn crop is 'knee high by the fourth of July.' This year, some corn around here was almost knee high by the fourth of June!  The farmers had perfect corn-growing weather. My tomatoes, peppers, and green beans appreciated it too! Now it's turned a bit cooler, great for peas, onions, and parsnips.

I'm not sure what's going on with my patchouli plant. It's not looking happy. Last year I had great success with it, and I'm trying to raise it again this year in order to dry it for use in in my handcrafted soaps.

I tried to get a shot of the raindrops splashing on the pond. It took several attempts, but I think the photo above does capture it somewhat. Unfortunately, it's just not as spectacular in the photo as it was in real life.

Can you see the little waterfall, mid picture? Granted, it's almost microscopic compared with some, but I love it and it gives me many hours of enjoyment. My little pond garden is also a great place of beauty where I can go for quiet time to read my Bible and contemplate God's grace - when it's not raining.

Irises, hens-n-chicks, impatiens, cleome, bleeding heart, astilbe, and my elephant ear hostas are what's currently providing the pond garden with the most visual interest. The goal is to have something blossoming all summer. It's not easy, and I'm not quite there yet...

What's happening in your garden?

This post is linked to Follow Me Fridays


  1. What's growing in mine is weeds, weeds, and more weeds. Oh my goodness, this year they very quickly got away from me. When we are done traveling I will have to get busy! Your pond is so peaceful and nice. I love it too! :D

  2. Enjoyed a first visit. Have a blessed Friday!

  3. I am following you back :)

  4. It's raining here too! Blessings, Gloria

  5. Simply beautiful! Blogging gives me hope, lol! I used to tear out magazine pages and keep them in my "dream drawer", now I just bookmark certain blogs...yours being one of them, for when we get serious about our garden! Yours truly is just beautiful!

  6. absolutely georgeous! Sorry to hear it has been raining so much there. :( helps garden to grow!

  7. Yes, lots of rain here too! But at least you haven't had highs in the 50s. We have been hearing the fog horn for days. You would think we lived in the Emerald Isle!! lol

    But it is good for the garden. I think we already have blossoms on the tomatoes. And the strawberries have been going to town! Yum!


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