Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Anniversary K&S

Our oldest son and daughter-in-law have been married for 18 (eighteen!!) years. But  when I was going through my digital photos, I couldn't find any recent photos of the two of them together. But, it's understandable: six kids later there's a lot going on. Parenting years are like that.

So here, I'm going to post some photos of what it means to be a parent.

It means being willing to model tinfoil Egyptian accessories so we can try out the VBS craft projects! What a good sport.

It means feeling sorry for and taking time to comfort the kid with the newest owie.

It means playing impromptu recorder duets with your teenager so Grandma can enjoy the concert.

It means changing, feeding, and burping the new baby.

It means showing by example that the work God gave us is a good part of life!

It means getting a hug when you least expect it!

It means being there. Not just a few minutes of 'quality time,' but really being there - quantity time.

Have a happy anniversary, you guys. We pray for God's continued blessing on your life together.

P.S. Remind me next time we're together that I take a photo of the two of you!! :-)

P.P.S. We love you.


  1. Thank you, Judy! It has been an honor to be your son's wife for 18 years, and I look forward to many, many more years. Here's shooting for a 70th Anniversary! It will never be long enough. Thank you for making him the Godly, hardworking, humorous man that he is...for this I am eternally greatful to you both.


    Your daughter-in-law :D

  2. Hi,
    Thank-you for the follow.
    I am following you also.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. I love how the only picture of me up there is all about working hard and being joyful for it, NOT about recorder concerts or hugs or things.

    Is there an underlying, hidden message there I should be aware about? *grin*

  4. Anna, it's evidently all about being in the right place at the right time. ;-) haha. Love you, GmaMas

  5. What a wonderful tribute to your kids. Love the photos. :D


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