Friday, June 18, 2010

Lloyd and Maxine

Today would have been my parents' 71st wedding anniversary! And no, they weren't alive during the Revolutionary War.

My mother was graduated from high school in the spring of 1938. Just a year later, on June 18th, 1939, she celebrated her nineteenth birthday by getting married to my dad. The two had a good marriage that ended with my mother's death in 2006. They'd been married nearly 67 years! And really, it didn't end then for my dad. He thought about her, missed her, and longed to see her.

Both of my parents had an abiding faith in God that was the solid Rock upon which their relationship was based. They weren't perfect, they were normal people - sinners, saved by God's grace.

Faith in God is what helped them weather the trials that any marriage has, plus some exceedingly difficult times. They turned to God not only when their hearts were broken, but also when they were filled with joy and thankfulness. Walking God's path was simply part of their life together.

P.S. My dad is now 93. He still loves God. I am so blessed to have him in my life.

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  1. Visiting via Friday Follow. What a very, very sweet post!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Visiting from TT Friday Follow. Thanks for sharing this touching story of your parents and the secret to their successful marriage. So true. Looking forward to reading more about your blog-

  4. Such a heart touching post. My dear momma passed away in 2006 also.

  5. What a sweet heart felt post....Happy Friday

  6. I loved this post. You are so lucky to still have your dad. Wish him a Happy Fathers Day for me.

    Visiting from FFF and following you on GFC as Thrifty Canucks
    Visit and follow me, please, if you can -

  7. What a wonderful tribute! They sound like amazing parents to have! Happy Father's Day to your dad!

  8. New follower here from Friday Follow. Would love to welcome you to my place as well. Hope to hear from you soon. God bless.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner?

  9. I'm a new follower of friendly Friday follow, please follow me back.
    thanks, Mr Monkey

  10. thanks for commenting - do enjoy it enough to join? thanks Mr Monkey

  11. Judy: I remember all the wonderful times and conversations I have had with your parents when he would bring your mom into the restaurant. Then the time came when you started coming in with them and so they could "share" whatever they were having. They would go back and forth on what they should have and your mom would tell your dad, "Whatever was fine with her". Your mother had the most kindness smile and the warmth of her touch when we would embrace. Your dad would just smile. I truly do miss them. You are very lucky to have them as your parents.

  12. Thank you, Tami, for sharing that sweet memory with me. :-) My mom and dad loved going out for coffee!! and it was nice to know that there were kind people out there, like you, the type who weren't in a hurry to get rid of a customer to make room for another. They always said you were 'a really nice girl!'

  13. Love this post! I just realized I've been up late enough to say that today actually is my mom and dad's anniversary! Yikes, better get to bed...thanks for sharing such a precious couple, you've been blessed :)


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