Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Aurora Borealis

For anyone who may not know, this is a photo of the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis.  These photos were taken by our son's girlfriend's father (are ya with me?) a few years back, and he's kindly given me permission to post them here.

I've not seen Northern Lights for four or five years, but they are eerie and spectacular! It seems like they were very active when I was a kid. I remember watching them and thinking that the world was coming to an end! I'm not sure why my parents didn't try to dissuade me from this notion.

From what I've read, 'the Northern Lights are actually the result of collisions between gaseous particles in the Earth's atmosphere with charged particles released from the sun's atmosphere.' (Read more at The Northern Lights Center.) So I think that when there's more solar flare activity, it would be more likely that we'd have Northern Lights. I believe the sun has its storms and emits solar flares independent of what's happening 93,000,000 miles away on little Earth.

It is very exciting to see the swirling colors of the Northern Lights here in NW Wisconsin.  One information source says that they're usually viewed after midnight in the summer and as early as 8 PM in the winter. 

The Northern Lights leave me in awe of the energy of the sun and the power of the Creator who made the sun, just one of the many He placed in His Universe. 

Here's a link to the Geophysical Institute web site with a schedule for the aurora borealis.  I sure hope we get to see them sometime this summer. It's worth the wait til midnight.

Any other Northerners out there who love to watch the Northern Lights? Any of you displaced Northerners ;-) who miss the Northern Lights?


  1. Don't live where you can see these, but would love to visit where you can someday. Breathtaking pictures!

  2. Wish I could see this beauty that our Father God creates. Thanks for sharing the beauty my friend, amazing.

  3. I've never seen them, even when we were traveling Wisconsin, Michigan and Canada. But how beautiful, and what a testimony to the power and glory of God. Thanks to your son's girlfriend's father for allowing the pics to be shared!

  4. I have never seen them in person, but wow that would be spectacular to see. :D

  5. Those photos are amazing! I have always wanted to see them in person but I have never had the chance to.

  6. I've never seen the Northern Lights!! I love these pictures!! The only thing we have close to that in Texas is the Marfa lights, and I don't think they are anything that spectacular!!


  7. Wow...seeing things like this make me realize how little I am...there is so much to this grand, great universe!
    I think it's funny that your parents didn't try to comfort you regarding the end of the world...maybe they thought so, too??? Glad to know we're still here for now;o)

  8. Here is a link about the Marfa Lights if you want to read up on it! :)

  9. Oh wow! I've always wanted to see those. Thanks for sharing these pics.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  10. My Uncle Ron used to keep track of the Northern Lights and would call no matter what time of night and say, 'Deb, go out and look at the sky'. It was always a spectacular sight to behold from God. :)

  11. Surprisingly enough, we have seen them here in the southwest cornor of Wisconsin. Not as spectacular as up north, but still beautiful! And very errie! Just a small patch of sky was green and it flickered. I am sure God puts these extraordinary phenomenon in the sky to remind us of his power.

  12. My husband keeps telling me there's more solar flare activity and that it's responsible for the fact that I can't get my radio station in - only static. So maybe this summer we'll get to see the Northern Lights. Wouldn't that be cool!!

  13. One of my dreams would be to witness these beautiful lights! Hopefully some day. Thanks for sharing the pictures!


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