Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Balding of Lionel

See that bald spot on Lionel's back, on the left side? (Actually it's right in the middle of his back, it's just that he was lying on his side in this photo). Well, please don't report me to the ASPCA, but I am ashamed to say that I was responsible for that. I couldn't believe it!!! And I'm still feeling guilty about it! Fortunately, Lionel's not holding it against me. He still sleeps on my pillow.

The night before, I was just about asleep when I suddenly remembered that yet another day had gone by when I had meant to brush Lionel and hadn't. I decided to get out of bed right then and get the brushes so that I would see them in the morning. Weight isn't the only thing Lionel packs on. So, I went downstairs and got the brushes. When I went to sleep, the brushes were lying on the table in our bedroom.

First thing when I awakened at 5:30 AM, I thought of Lionel and grabbed one of the brushes. Turned away from the windows, I held the happy Lionel and began brushing. He was soon squirming, saying, 'more, please, and a little to the right...oh yeah...okay, a little to the left.' Lionel was so happy that I just continued brushing him. He loved it!

It wasn't until that evening that my husband said to me, 'Look at the bald spot on Lionel.' I couldn't believe it. I was horrified. Had I broken the skin? Would he get an infection? My poor kitty.

My husband just laughed and assured me that the cat was just fine, that Lionel probably liked it and felt a lot cooler. He also assured me that Lionel's bald spot would fill in - in just a few days.  We'll see.

...and then, true to form, just to torment me, my husband said little things throughout the day to make me think my cat just may die from this overly-zealous brushing incident!!  He's such a pill, that man! But I know he loves me, that he's just teasing me, and most important of all -  he continues to buy Lionel's shredded-money cat food.  ;-)


  1. Oh, you poor sweetie. Accidents happen and I'm sure Lionel will grow back all that beautiful fur back in not time. I'm really sorry but I can not stop laughing at your husband's term 'the overly-zealous brushing incident'...

  2. I wouldn't worry -- cats are pretty good at communicating their displeasure with mere humans, and I'm sure Lionel would have stated it explicitly if he hadn't been enjoying himself!!!

  3. Oh, don't worry yourself too much over it Judy. Heck, one of my cats rubs up against the corner of a small chest so hard that he gives himself a bald spot right under his ear! :)

  4. ive read an article that cat's overgrooming leading to alopecia is sometimes caused my stress. you just have to see the underlying cause, maybe something itchy over there.... It'll grow back dont worry.

  5. Your blog is too cute, and I love your writing style. I think husbands have been put on this earth to tormet us. My husband loves to tease me all the time, and this usually adds to my stress level. Bad husband. Anyways, I just became a new follower, and I look forward to reading more. I'm sure Lionel will be just fine :)

  6. My cat loves being brushed so much that he'll rub himself on it without waiting for my assistance.

    I'm sure Lionel loved all the attention he got during and after the "over-zealous brushing incident"!

  7. You should tell your Hubby that next time you're going to turn your brushes on him! -LOL

  8. Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure Lionel would have let me brush him til he was totally bald! :-) And he does favor me over my husband - could have something to do with the fact that I talk to Lionel, pet him, and scratch his ears when he comes to my pillow in the night. Lionel understands that a warm and loving 'Hello my sweet kitty,' is very different from the irritated 'Don't put your butt in my face, Lionel!!' which he gets from the other side of the bed. :-)

    Yes, that good man does put up with a lot. :-)

  9. Such a funny story. I have to agree if Lionel did not like the brushing he definitely would have let you know in no uncertain terms. :D

  10. LOL! Poor Lionel...good thing it's still summer...he probably actually likes the extra breeze!:o)

  11. What a sweet kitty! I would not get upset with yourself. You were trying to do something nice. Maybe it was a dry patch where the hair was coming out anyway. Lionel knows you are such a super mommy!

    Mama Hen

  12. My dear friend, it is ok. That has happened to me before, I left a bald place on my kitty precious. She forgave me, and I know Lionel forgives you.

  13. Well, Judy, that tears it! I'm going to have sue for custody of Lionel and have him removed from your home and placed in mine! LOL Even a bald patch can't ruin his looks! How I'd love to spend the day with that cat!

  14. He is a beautiful cat! The green eyes go with his color perfectly. The dogs are very nice also! Looking at Misty I just want to rub her ears. Something about looking into those warm eyes, it tells many stories. Thanks for sharing

  15. Lionel likes to lie on my pillow and stretch out a paw to touch my chin...and keep his paw there. I think it's cute and sweet. My husband thinks it's Lionel's sign of ownership. lol

  16. Lionel is a beautiful cat and I'm sure that you would have known immediately if you had harmed him. I probably will never have another cat due to the insane one that I had previously (hubby said "no more!") so thanks for sharing yours with me. Have a great weekend! Candace

  17. Oh, wow! I had no idea that you can brush until they are bald. WOW!

  18. I just had to visit the Lionel posts this morning, I was craving a visit with him! He's so adorable. Give him a hug for me. (And be sure to talk baby-talk if you quote me to him 'cause that's what I'd do!)


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