Monday, July 19, 2010

It's Getting Warmer

 'Ole,' in a snowstorm, bringing in firewood - December

This post was inspired by Robin over at PARTIALEMPTYNESTER and her hilarious post about being at Lake Minnetonka in the wintertime. Don't miss it. It's a must read! :-)

As July turns to August, we will no doubt see temps nudging 100 degrees. I know that's nothing for you folks south of the Mason-Dixon Line, but in Wisconsin, it causes us to get cranky. Soon the chorus will begin,

 'Isn't this heat just somethin' awful!'

 'Oh, it's not just the heat, it's that awful humidity!!'

We once had a foreign exchange student from Mexico who spent the summer with us. Knowing how cold it gets in Wisconsin, his mother packed blanket sleepers. Evidently no one told her about Wisconsin summers - warm and humid.

So, just in case the heat is getting you down, I thought I'd post this as a reminder of what we could and will be experiencing, come November, December, January, February, and March!

The backyard. Remember my little pond garden? It's behind that larger snowbank.- December

Bunny and Cardinal - December
Huddling to keep warm ;-)

Winter sunrise  19 degrees below zero - December

So cheer up, Wisconsinites. The days are already getting shorter and winter is just around the corner! Enjoy our short summer while it's here! :-)

P.S. I just found out that for some of my blog viewers, my labels (on the sidebar) are blocked, e.g. when they click on 'Recipes', it won't open up into the blog list of recipes. Have any of you had that problem? Did you find a solution?
Thanks. :-)

This post is linked to Meet and Greet Monday


  1. Ah, I'm a northern moved south. The pictures of the snow are lovely and I miss the snow but not the cold, LOL!

  2. Those pictures are exactly why I live in the desert!! Snow is not my friend at all, we fight constantly!! Then again, thanks for the reminder of how cold it could be...I was just thinking how much hotter can get here this summer (we've already reached 114)????

  3. My daughter has been obsessed with her snow related cartoon dvds... she was actually singing Frosty the Snowman while in her kiddie pool the other day!

    I on the other hand would take a humid summer over winter slush anytime :)

  4. What a depressing reminder! Winter is my least favorite season. Couldn't you think of something more uplifting to blog about on this, one of the best days of the year? :D Thank you for your big boy, who is now a very momentous 40! I cannot imagine this world without him. Lots of Love!

  5. Actually of lot of people up your way come down my way to wait out the winter. We love the winter Texans. :)

  6. What beautiful pictures of all that snow! I only see the snow on the mountains in my neck of the woods. We might get a day or two every year but that's a treat! It has finally gone out of the 100's here!!Whew!It is 95 today. I think we are in for a cooling!

  7. Great post! I was just looking at some pictures of us sledding and was thinking about how that seemed like not too long ago. It has been 100 degrees here and humid also and just a little change in the temperature would be nice. But before you know it the cold weather will be here and we will be complaining about that! Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  8. Hello! I am a new follower from Meet&Greet Monday, so glad to have found your blog. Hope you have a wonderful evening!


  9. It was 99 here today. Wish we had snow to cool us off! :) Remind me when it's cold this winter not to complain!

    I gave your blog an award!

    Have a great day!


  10. I enjoyed this, since it was 100 degrees here today.

  11. We walked through snow in our Olympic Mountains just a few weeks ago; summer has come slowly in the PNW this year. I remember those WI winters as I grew up in Shorewood, outside of Milwaukee and went to UWM. Now the tables are turned as our daughter moved from here to Chicago and lives there with our 3 GK. She's the one who carried pails of water outside to try and get our patio to freeze ice is pretty rare, so she's quite happy now!

  12. I would LOVE to see some of that right now. It is HOT in de bayou!

  13. I so miss the snow. Growing up in Colorado, it's just the norm to look outside and see tons of it. I really miss it when it's THIS hot outside! I bet you guys are having quite the time dealing with these abnormaly high temps. Fall will be here before you know it though!

  14. Brrrr.... What a nice break from the Texas HEAT! Thank you! ;)


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