Monday, August 9, 2010

Big City Birthday Adventure

It was my birthday last Friday. Since it was also the day we had to take our daughter to the airport after she had spent the week with us, we decided to spend the day in the Big City. Actually, I decided that. After all, it was my birthday, so I got to choose what to do with the day. :-)

First off, we arrived at Good Earth restaurant. All natural. All delicious! When I ordered the Greek Pizza, the waiter tried to talk me into the other pizza, putting great emphasis on its fresh heirloom tomatoes. I told him I grow fresh heirloom tomatoes. I know. I didn't really need to do that, but his insistence was bordering on annoying.  The Greek pizza was amazing. I was wishing I could have had room for the whole thing. It had a pita crust, chicken, feta cheese, kalamata olives, and was a bit oilier than the one I make with Food For Life tortillas. I like mine. I like theirs. I didn't have to make theirs. That was nice.

What a romantic idea...dining alfresco on a gorgeous August day...and shortly after being seated at our table on the deck, we were all secretly wishing we'd sat indoors in the AC. It was still very pleasant, but a bit warm. The romantic part had kinda vanished. But the food was fantastic!



Ang and her dad, my own Norwegian troll.

Next stop: Half Price Books. Where else! 

And of course, Borders.

Where I always go first: Travel and History
I'm still waiting for one of those CW mags to carry a nice, long article praising General Longstreet. Good thing I'm not holding my breath.
I got to pick up my copy of BBC History and peruse the 'Readers' Tips' in Budget Travel.

Coffee, of course, and a cranberry nut bar.

Next stop

The inside of my refrigerator... don't I wish!

The best chocolate mints in town!

We could have had lunch here, just eating samples!

Black Moroccan Olives and a few greens.
They're kinda leathery and oily. Delicious!

What a haul!

Chocolate mints from Trader Joes
Almond butter with flax from Trader Joes
Coffee from Trader Joes
Olives from Whole Foods
Tinkyada Penne Pasta from Whole Foods
'Village Walks in Britain' from Half Price Books
'BBC History' magazine from Borders
A Dalgleish Mystery from Sams 
The book is 'The Abolition of Britain' by Peter Hitchens,
but that came from Amazon, and was waiting in my mailbox.

It was a great way to spend a birthday! And it was wonderful to have Ang with us for the week. :-) 

This post is linked to Meet and Greet Monday


  1. A belated Happy Birthday to you! You have a lovely blog. I've enjoyed visiting this morning.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  2. Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you had a fabulous time celebrating with your family.

  3. Happy belated birthday!!! What a perfect day too! I love shopping for books!!! It's my favorite thing to do when I'm not in the kitchen!

  4. Mazal Tov on your fabulous birthday!!! We ordered pizza at work on Thursday, and no one else wanted feta anywhere near it ... pffft. Your lunch looks amazing! You need to come visit me in Ann Arbor, where we have several Borders, 2 Trader Joe's and a slew of used book stores and thrift shops -- oh, would we have a ball!!!

  5. Happy belated birthday! That pizza looks YUMMY! What a nice day you had!

  6. Hope you had a great birthday!! That is a great picture of you and your family! I loved the places you shop at. I could totally go shopping with you!!

    Have a great day!


  7. Thanks for visiting my blog! We share a heart for many of the same things. I send you belated birthday wishes! I enjoyed poking around your blog a little bit...I shall be back! For now let me say you have a beautiful family of blessings, I really love your German Shepherd (i have had a few in my past) it is a gorgeous one! I can't wait to come back and read about your recent vacation trip. Have a wonderful day ;)


  8. Happy birthday! These pictures are great! I love Trader Joes! We are there a few times a week! I hope you will come and join my new network and add your blog to life blogs. It is growing fast and has a super group of bloggers! Have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  9. Looks like a lovely day! Happy belated birthday!

  10. Happy Birthday. Looks like you had a great day, I think I would like to sped my birthday like that too!

  11. Stopping by from Meet & Greet Monday - Happy belated birthday!!! Beautiful pix!

  12. Happy Birthday Judy! Your a woman after my own heart - I love books stores and Trader Joe's too! I've gotta try their chocolate mints. Hello, I'm your newest follower from the Monday Meet blog hop and I'm so glad to find your authentic blog, I love it already. Great pictures to go along with your blog and your family is beautiful. I hope you'll come visit and follow my blog too. I'd like being one of your blogging buddies. Smiles.


  13. I guess all I can say is Happy belated Birthday. (did I actually miss it??) Will inviting you out for coffee soon qualify as a celebration? Oh my...I missed it. :(

  14. So glad you enjoyed your birthday sweetie, love you.

  15. Love your photo essay! Looks like you had a wonderful birthday. :)

  16. Happy belated birthday to you! Love Trader Joes!!!

  17. Happy Belated Birthday to you!

  18. Happy, happy birthday! What a wonderful way to spend it, too! I LOVE Half Price Books! We don't have any here, though. So sad! ANd I have never been to Trader Joe's as we don't have them, either! Maybe someday.:) SO glad your day was fabulous and fun! Oh, and I am in LOVE with your soaps! They all sound so wonderful. I am going to indulge soon!;) Lori

  19. What a wonderful birthday celebration and BEAUTIFUL picture of you! Happy Birthday!

  20. Okay, perfect! Now I know exactly the sort of thing I'd like to do for my birthday! ;)

  21. Many happy returns! (Isn't that british?!) What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday!

    I have been meaning to ask you, have you seen the magazine "The English Home" ? Love it! I bought a copy of it years ago. There is also an English Garden magazine.


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