Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Word-Filled Wednesday

What a comfort to those whose hope is in the Lord!

We had an amazing 4.5 inches of rain last night!!  I was so thankful when our Joe made it home safely through the storm. I just heard this morning that there was a tornado about 15 miles from us. We've had an unprecedented amount of rain this summer, and I've not had to water the garden once! But last night we had water running into the basement through a couple little holes in the stone foundation! about 4' below ground level. It's expected to be 90 degrees this afternoon, creating our very own sauna! 


  1. See look at that, we've hardly had any rain! Our lawn is looking sad indeed. Glad everyone is safe after the storm. Beautiful words to start the day.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's for Dinner

  2. Can you send some of that rain our way? It's monsoon season here and we are lacking the most important part of it... rain!!! I'm glad Joe made it home safely too!

  3. Ah...Welcome to my world! We are under a heat advisory until tomorrow at least! Love you message. It's been a trying morning already, so I needed to hear that message! Time for Blog School 201~! Have a great day!

  4. Such a powerful word, thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks for the Word my friend. I sat up last night and watched it rain. I love the smell of rain and yes we did get a lot of rain, I didn't realize it was that much. Wow!

  6. I was actually in a tornado recently. It was one of the most frightening experiences I think I've had. I had to laugh about your comment about the zoom feature. I tried to zoom it and it wouldn't! :)

  7. Just wanted to say I tried it again and it did zoom this time! Ack! I'll have to change this feature! :)

  8. oh thank you for sharing this with us... what a comforting verse..!!


  9. Beautiful! I simply love this verse!! Absolutely unbelievable that He is wherever we go...there is nowhere we can't go that He won't hunt us down and meet us there...I love that!!!

  10. I'm glad you like my new blog!
    There's actually a link you can press at the very top of my blog--a blogger bar? It says 'Follow' and you should be able to click that and follow me that way.
    Since I don't think I'll have many followers, that's why I didn't put up a gadget. But if you can't find the link I'm talking about, then I'll put it up so you can. :-)
    Love you!

  11. I love that passage (:

    We've had a fair amount of rain as well and I love it! So therapeutic to listen to it pour, unless it creates a flood that leaks into your basement (:


  12. Is it horrible that I don't even remember it raining on Tuesday night?

  13. I hear you about the excessive rain. We had 4 or 5 inches here last week. The mosquitoes are the size of Texas and the weeds...OMG they've taken over and I just can't keep up. It's oppressively hot, too hot to garden. I've pretty much taken to sitting indoors with a fan blowing directly on me. And yet I'll do the same amount of complaining when the snow starts to fall. There's no pleasing me.


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