Monday, September 6, 2010

Baby Henry's Blankie

Getting ready to put on the satin edge - every baby's favorite part!

I'm sure that my Kenmore is older than many, if not most, if my blog readers. At the time I purchased it, I wanted a commercial-grade sewing machine, and this was the last one they had in the store, because they weren't going to be making them anymore - at least that's the story we were told. I knew I wouldn't get another machine like my even older Singer, which could sew through shoe straps, but I'm still surprised that my Kenmore has lasted this long. It's had a lot of use!

Yes, Misty, lying under the table, right beside my feet!! while I'm sewing.

Why didn't I think of this years ago??

It finally occurred to me as I was sewing this blankie and becoming frustrated  while struggling to thread the needle, that a small piece of white paper behind the needle would make the thread and needle so much easier to see. Oh yes, it worked! So why didn't anyone tell me this before, and more distressing, why didn't I think of it before? I mean, it's a sad day when threading the needle is the most difficult part of the project! And sadder yet, when I realize I've fought with needles for years when the solution was so simple. :-(

Flannel blankie with satin edge and mitered corners
Puppy with matching satin collar

I always make mitered corners on the flannel baby blankies I make, then I stitch them so that baby can't snake his little fingers into the corners and turn them inside-out!

I was going to get a little GSD stuffed toy, but my husband just gave me a look and asked if I didn't think that was a little over the top. Okay, okay!! I didn't get it, did I. So now the baby has some who-knows-what-breed stuffed toy puppy this is supposed to be. Oh well.

I do like this flannel with its Richard Scarry -type print. Reminds me of the book Cars and Trucks and Things That Go!  My kids loved that book and Lowly Worm, who was to be found somewhere on every page. Maybe Lowly Worm was the inspiration for the Where's Waldo? books. :-)

This post is linked to Making the World Cuter
and Just Something I Whipped Up
and Meet and Greet Monday
and Motivate Me Monday


  1. Brilliant! I have some sewing to do today and I'm going to try the white paper behind the needle. That stupid hole has gotten so small over the years. You should do a tut for those mitered corners. Something I was never very good at :( I think Henry is going to love his blankie!

  2. Henry will enjoy his precious, love filled blankie my friend.

  3. Oh that blanket is sooooo adorable! Great job on it! My mom had an old Singer...I believe she still has it. When I was a little girl, my parents didn't have a lot of money so my mom would make clothes for me and my sister...identical clothes and we are three years apart!! Not only did she make ours, but she made clothes for our dolls too...and they matched ours!! lol Great memories, thanks! I would love to have old Singer now!

  4. Sweet blanky! My little boy loves Richard Scarry, as did I when I was little bitty. Such great illustrations. That's a good idea for a blanket.

  5. I loved Richard Scarry!! Such great books! Love the blankie! I know Henry will love it too! :)

    Glad you enjoyed my "likes"! :) Which ones did you agree on?


  6. I've noticed that on a lot of the youtube tutorial videos people use that white paper trick so that what they're trying to demonstrates shows up clearer for the viewer. Anyway, what a wonderful rich red border band you have there. It really makes the blanket pop and have that Richard Scarry feel aside from the print. I just love it!

  7. It's awesome...I need to learn to sew. All hail King Henry's blanket!!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  8. What a sweet blankie for the little guy! My children loved all the Richard Scarry books as well. The white paper is a wonderful trick!

  9. Awesome little blankie. I need to get my butt into gear and learn how to sew, so I can make such cute things, too.

    Dawn @ Mom-a-logues

  10. What a cute blanket!! :) I used to love reading the Richard Scarry books. :)

  11. Such a cute blanket! And thanks for the sewing tip, I hate threading the needle, now it will be much easier.

  12. What a priceless gift for a beautiful baby boy!!!

  13. I unplugged for the Holiday weekend. I can't believe I missed another tour!!:-( Luckily it's easy enough to join in late! What a sweet blanket. My little guy loves cars, and trucks and all things that go. We love Richard Scarry around here. He was another favorite from my childhood!

  14. Love the pin mom has the same one!! And I absolutely love Richard Scarry...we had a celebration indeed when my son was little and the book series came out on video, he thought it was so cool to prop his books up as he watched them on tv! I love that hubby is all into it, making sure he receives the "right" puppy ;)

    Your stitches a beautiful, btw, so nice and tight:)

  15. My kids loved that book too - and you're right, the print on the blanket looks like the same vehicles.

    Thanks for the tip on the white paper. My daughter messed up the settings on my sewing machine so I haven't had the courage to even look at it - but when I do I know I'll need this tip! When I go to the video store I wear glasses for distance when driving and then have to change to reading glasses to read the back of the DVD - at first I just asked the kids to read it for me and tell me if I would like it, but now I've learned to read for myself after a few stinker movies!

  16. Great tip my friend about the thread. I love the blanket, you did a great job. :)

  17. In my world, that puppy is a brown Newfoundland, and no better for one's first dog.
    My son and I spent many happy hours reading Richard Scarry. Back then I don't think there was fabric to match a book, but not being a wonderful sewer (never by machine) I may have missed it. Although I don't sew by machine I have collected a menagerie of old sewing machines and acessories.
    When I cross stitch, threading a needle takes the longest part of any project.

  18. Love those old sewing machines! I too have an old one (older thatn I am!), but I would not trade it for the world! It has been through thick and thin with me. They never break!

    What a lovey little blanket for Henry!

  19. I think those old machines never break because they have fewer things that can go wrong with them. They're less complicated than the newer models. They're just plain hard workers! Thanks for the compliment on the blanket. :-)


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