Thursday, October 14, 2010

Autumn in my Wisconsin Neighborhood, Part I

Does anyone do this anymore? I mean, there we were, taking a drive through the countryside just to see the beauty of the landscape. I think it was a pretty common weekend pastime in decades past, but probably not now. Anyway, I wanted to share with you some of the autumn beauty of our neighborhood.

We are in Virginia, but I wanted to get these photos posted before the snow flies!


  1. Beautiful pics! And you know I LOVE those old barns. Give them a tender pat for me!

  2. Stunning! Yes, I agree I love driving around just seeing the beauty of nature and hiking around too. We've got lots of wonderful nature preserves all around us and its just beautiful. That one picture of the rainbowed trees is amazing! Good for you for noticing it and capturing it as you did!

  3. So amazingly beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  4. People are just "too busy" these days...they don't slow down enough to stop and do things as simple as taking a drive in the country. It's sad really...there are so many beauties that we miss in life. Your pictures, as always, are gorgeous!

  5. This is my first time to your blog...I found you through another one...what beautiful country you live in! We love to take a drive sometimes too...mostly up in the mountains by our house. Awesome photos!

  6. Oh, I am so jealous! I miss that kind of scenery, and it's still 90 degrees where I am (no leaves turning colors yet)

  7. We love going for drives but don't see quite the same color as you do....lots of pines though and vine maple which are very pretty in the fall. Great photos from one of my favorite states!

  8. Absolutely beautiful! We have the fall temps now just not the colors yet.

  9. Thanks for all the comments. :-) As I wrote to someone, I was wrong if I thought Wisconsin had a monopoly on gorgeous autumn color. Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and now Virginia this week have been spectacular. I asked my husband why it is that we don't live in Virginia! lol What awesome beauty - those mountains. Love them! And all that Civil War history...

  10. What a great set of pictures. Nice colours and excellent use of additional supportive subjects.

  11. Oh, my! That looks absolutely beautiful! Love the reds!

  12. Beautiful pictures...makes me want to come up to see all the beauty you have around you.

  13. Omgoodness, how could you not take a drive just for the sake of the beauty when there is such vivid brilliance to see? Absolutely stunning!


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