Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stillwater, Minnesota, Part I

Last Saturday my husband and I spent the day in Stillwater, MN which has become quite a tourist destination since its founding in 1848. 

Quoting the Washington County Historical Society website Stillwater was platted in 1848, a town of about 600 people, nearly all lumbermen. When Wisconsin entered the union that year, leaving lands now in Minnesota without government, delegates from the area met in Stillwater. The Stillwater Convention that August appointed Henry Sibley to petition Congress for the early organization of Minnesota Territory. Minnesota became a Territory on March 3, 1849. The first Minnesota Territorial Legislature named the county Washington and confirmed Stillwater as its county seat. On March 4, 1854, Stillwater was incorporated as a city.

Also, within a year of Minnesota becoming a territory, the decision was made to build the first territorial prison at Stillwater. So you see, it hasn't always been a town full of antique shops. :-)

Taken from the bridge on Hwy. 64, crossing the St. Croix river from Wisconsin into Minnesota.

Much of the park is under water right now.

Brine's, where we had lunch. The original Brine's Meat Market burned down years ago and they rebuilt a couple doors down. Still, they've managed to capture a lot of that 'built long ago' ambience.

I don't know why I thought this was so cute, but I remembered that the old Brine's, which we loved in days gone by, also had a huge chalk board where the daily menu was scribbled.

Visiting an antiques store is depressing. It points out to me all the 'valuable' items I've thrown away.

When Kevin pointed out the Jeweler's sign across the street, he exclaimed, 'Well, I'd certainly never buy a watch from that man!'  I laughed when I saw that the clock read 8:23 when it was actually 1 PM.

View from the stone stairway that leads to the hilltop

 Feed Mill

 From a cute yarn shop, 'Darn Knit Anyway'

We always have to stop at the used book stores. I have this rule of thumb: When you walk in and see the books in perfect order and the shop is absolutely clean and tidy, the books will be too expensive.

 I'd like one of each, please.

One last stop at the park before leaving for home.

It was fun to spend the day in this cute river town, and the only money we spent was on our lunch at Brine's. When we drove back across the bridge into Wisconsin, I told my husband that I'd thoroughly enjoyed the day, and I was good for another 5 years. That doesn't include taking a boat down or up the river, lest he breathe too large a sigh of relief.

If you have unlimited resources and love antiquing, Stillwater is the place for you! Otherwise, everything there is too expensive for my taste - except the great burger with fried onions from Brines. :-)

And there's plenty of eye candy that's absolutely FREE.

More Stillwater closeup shots coming tomorrow...


  1. How trips close to home! I had one of those this past Saturday and thought to myself that I should be taking pictures for my blog...but alas, I simply did not take one single picture! Love, love, love the quaintness of the town of Stillwater and good job on the perfect pictures to show it off!!! Looking forward to Part II :)

  2. Looks so fun! I love the old towns. Your pictures reminded me of an Old Style or Old Milwaukee slogan "From the land of sky-blue waters" and I can see a bear (cartoon of course) going down a river in a canoe! Kind of an Indian drum beat to it. We traveled up through Duluth to get to Ely, Minnesota and fished the boundary waters when I was young!

  3. Wow, it looks so beautiful! Your pics are great too! Glad to see you all had a great time! I hadn't heard from you in a while, so I thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing :)


  4. Gorgeous pics. What a great trip to take. Would love to go there Ü

  5. Are you close to Stillwater? Our nephew used to live there but is now in Bayport, and we've been both places. Missed the yarn shop though!

  6. I love these pictures! :) I might have to add it to my list of places to visit in the U.S.

    I agree about the trip to Europe- let's charter a jet!!!


  7. Great pictures! I love taking trips like that. I love going up north and visiting little New England towns. Thank you for your comment. My daughter has just not felt well in weeks. It is so hard when as a mom I can't do much to help. I would love to buy some soap. Maybe this week. The peppermint sounds nice for Christmas time. Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  8. It's always great to inspire friends to visit somewhere for a day rather than feel that they have to stay over in an expensive hotel for the weekend. This is a nice all round post that gives off a feeling of what the town is all about, not a great advert for the watch shop though !! There's a uniqueness that I love about chalk menu boards. I was interested to see the word Newcastle on there. It's a drink I avoid but I did have a tour around the factory near where I live before they switched production to ..... Yorkshire !!

  9. Very much enjoyed this day trip sweetie.

  10. Wonderful photos!! I would love to visit there. Such a pretty place! Thanks so much for sharing your photos with us. Have a great weekend, Candace


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