Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Good News

Sometimes it seems as though Christmas has been hijacked by commercialism to be nothing more than too many gifts, too much money spent on useless items, too much food, too much of everything. The other day I heard just the first four notes of 'Santa Baby' and the stupid thing wouldn't stop running through my head! Is this what Christmas is all about??

It's not that I don't put up a Christmas tree or a wreath or my darling little snowmen from Bobby, but if that's what Christmas is all about, then it's just another holiday that leaves us frazzled and unfulfilled. So although I'm making Christmas cookies and candy and wrapping presents, the real meaning of what we are celebrating here, the Good News, is what truly gives me peace and joy.

Christ left the glories of Heaven to take on

Human form, to die, to

Rescue us from sin and death. He is not an

Infant any longer. He will be either your

Savior or your Judge.

Turn to Him and find

Mercy. He

Always welcomes the penitent and gives

Salvation and life abundant to those who trust in Him.

'Therefore, there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.' - Romans 8:1-2


  1. The commercializing of Christmas is what makes me despise the holiday sometimes... I hate to say it, but it's true. And the people... people are so rude this time of year, when they should be happy and grateful and loving. Thanks for the reminder about what it's really all about :)

  2. Here's my complaint for the day. So many churches seem to be drawn to that commercialism, too. And I'm not even a fundamentalist!

  3. Good news, indeed! I too, love all the preparations and the gifts, abut I don't want to forget the Person who is Christmas! Thanks to Him, I have a reason to celebrate!!

  4. Wonderful Post! Happy Birthday, Jesus!

  5. Good news indeed! I prefer to focus on this as well in our Christmas celebration. Great acrostic for Christmas, thanks for sharing!

  6. Very nice post, Cranberry! I know what you mean about Santa Baby. AAAUUGH! My mom and I love shopping at Kohl's, but they play that song every five minutes and it about drives us nuts! We just need to keep our eyes on "the Reason for the season".

  7. Happy Birthday Jesus indeed! This past Sunday our Sunday School children had their Christmas party and we all sang happy birthday and the kids blew out the candles. We have such a great bunch of kids who love Jesus and their church. This coming week my granddaughter will be the 'star' over Bethlehem during the Christmas tea celebration and play.

  8. As a musician, I think there are a few good decent Christmas pop tunes that I can count on one hand. I despair at the flogging of these and other tunes such as the unmentionable one above from December 1st that seem to have become the modern commercial Christmas carol. Just like the amount of "baggage" that we carry from our December shopping, so the real meaning of Christmas has become lost like another bag in amongst our huge pile of shopping. This Christmas for me looks like it's going to be the simplest I've had in years.

  9. Great minds think alike!! Check out my blog post for today!!


  10. I so agree - I can't believe there are enough people in the world who will want the cosmetics gift sets displayed in one branch of my local chemist, never mind the number multiplied in shops across the nation!

  11. I feel so sorry for those rushed, cranky, rude people. This a time of celebration! Of joy! And it has just been lost in plans, lists, parties, shopping and stress. A lesson too! Don't forget the Reason for the Season! Or we might become like them.

    I have been doing a little catch up reading! As we were up at Becky's!!!! And yes, we were there this weekend!! Thank the Lord we had decided to drive up on Friday and come back Monday! It was quite a sight in Menomonie on Saturday. But we didn't have any plans, just Christmas baking! So it was a very nice weekend. A little bit of a shock though to come home, barely two inches! And lots of ice! I think I would rather have 18 inches of snow, than ice. Uck!

    I love black and white photos! There is a simplicity about them. Love the old fashioned trees too, not a big fan of tinsel though. My Mom started collecting the old glass ornaments a couple of years ago. Now my sisters and I have been collecting them too! They are so pretty! Just bought a few more this weekend. :) I think we are up to a couple hundred.

    Thank you so much for sharing your blog with us all Judy! I know it must be a bit of work. You are my favorite lunch time read!

    Merry Christmas!!

  12. Your banner is so pretty, I'm a nut for the winter red berries! And your Christmas acronym is fabulous. Would it be ok if I use it on my blog by the end of this week? Thanks for sharing it and the Romans verse. Very important point! Lisa

  13. Great message, Judy! (In choir we call those persistent tunes "ear worms!")

  14. So true!! Thanks for the sweet reminder. This year I am trying really hard to keep the true meaning in my heart and home. I have scaled things down a ton. Thanks for the beautiful post.

  15. AMEN! Did you make that acrostic up? It's wonderful!

  16. Amen! Christmas, to paraphrase Dr. Seuss, means just a little bit more than bows and glitter and lights and credit card bills. Just as Easter has turned into a feast of hams and jelly beans, Christmas has been hijacked as well. It's up to those who understand the heart of it to share that, and little by little to be the pebble casting ripples into the pond ....

  17. Ooh, I like this...did you write that acrostic? It's great!


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