Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Snoozing with Grandpa

P.S. Our granddaughter Lydia snapped this picture with her cell phone. It was only 600 megapixels, but I think it gives an almost painting-like quality to the photo. Reminds me of a Vermeer (or Dänika, like that Tissot I love). Wish it were big enough to hang on the wall. And doesn't our little grandson look all safe and snuggly with Grandpa!

This post is linked to Lovely Photo Wordless Wednesday
and Thankful Thursday
and Just for the Joy of It Thursday


  1. Now that is just adorable! And I think you are right, the slight grainy-ness makes it look like a painting!

  2. Aw... yes, it has a nice painterly quality.

  3. That picture is so, so sweet! Love and security in abundance ... :)

  4. Ahhhh....LOVE this adorable moment!

  5. Aww, such a sweet picture!! I love the book and glasses in the picture, too :)

  6. Oh, that is just the sweetest thing . . . and I agree, almost like a painting. Great capture of a precious memory!!

  7. Awww! Wonderful pic. Thanks for sharing~ Come check out my new blog hop Thrifty Thursdays. Blessings!


  8. What a great picture. I think moments like that are so much better than posed pictures.

  9. Now that is a precious picture! It sure did turn out great!

  10. that is beautiful... a perfect moment captured forever!


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