Friday, December 3, 2010

Snow, Snow, Snow

Okay, so there is one advantage to all that snow.

P.S.  This photo was taken last Christmas Day when Joe and Courtney, now his fiance, built this 15' snowman!  Thinking of all of you who've been hammered with huge snowstorms in the past days.  We've all seen the photos of cars in ditches, airplanes grounded, passengers stranded at airports, etc.  I would love to hear your tales of snow and woe.

Have a safe weekend, everyone! I'm going to take my coffee (and dogs) in beside the fire!

We're expecting our big snowstorm this evening.

This post is linked to New Friend Friday
and Friendly Friday
and Home and Family Friday
and I'm Lovin' it Friday
and Fabulous Friday Finds


  1. Holy crap that's the biggest snowman I've ever seen!!! LOL Great picture! You can all keep your snow....I'll keep the 110 degree summers!! :) Have a safe weekend yourself, Judy!

  2. I love it! Did you know that the concept of the 'biggest snowman' has inspired couple children's books? I'm thinking of sharing some of our favorite snowy day reads after Christmas. Stay safe and warm yourself. I hope the incoming weather isn't too bad for you. We have our first chance of flurries next week.

  3. WOW! what a snowman. We get our fair share here in upstate NY but I'm thankful I'm not in Buffalo this morning! Saratoga County, NY for me! I do remember that we had much more snow when I was a little girl - we used to build igloos out of the mounds of snow we had!

  4. Hope you and the dogs enjoy the fire. Have you seen the new cards on Jacquie Lawson? Have a safe and warm weekend.

  5. How did they get the snow up there without falling off the ladder?

    No snow in Detroit and that is okay :)

  6. Holy Mistletoe! That is one big snowman! I'm very impressed! The girls were making snow angels in our little bit of fluff we had the other day, and Hannah said she saw the perfect carrot in our bag for her snowman's nose! Some years we don't even get "snowman snow." A lot of our white stuff is very powdery, not the good, wet, sticky stuff!

  7. The bane of my exsistence is black ice!! No snowhere in SoCal, probably won't get any ths year!!! But that snowman is awesome!!!!!

  8. Oh. My. Word.

    I really don't like winter... it is only made tolerable because Miss Add loves it so much.

  9. Oh my goodness! That is the biggest smowman I've ever seen! My 5 year old daughter is in awe! LOL Awesome! Have a great weekend and keep warm!

    P.S. i'm having a holiday giveaway if you'd like to check it out and enter

    Good Luck!

  10. That is one amazing snowman worthy of the record books, there must have been a tall person to put the head on ! Any higher and you would need the fire department to help you out !!
    I've had a week on the bus, metro train and on foot going to work and a Christmas market I was going to today was cancelled.... I might talk about this in my next post though...soon.
    Time to get a bit more of that wood on your fire !!

  11. WOW! That is one big snowman. We're expecting snow this evening too, I'm sincerely hoping the weather man is wrong.

  12. That is one amazing snowman! Generally one snowman here uses up all the available snow although it was pretty crazy for here just before Thanksgiving. Our DD watched someone remove the orange cones blocking their street and proceed to take out a few cars on his way down the hill. People can be crazy,eh?

  13. Impressive - never seen such a giant. I wonder how long it took to melt? Hope your promised snow is not too bad. We've not had any more so far, but what there is is staying around in the freezing temps.

  14. That's a lot of snow. Hope tonight's storm doesn't dump quite as much. Perfect night to curl up with the pups by the fire!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  15. Yes, it was a pretty huge snowman, and Joe, who is over 6' put the head on. I don't think it melted until some time in late March. Yes, I did see the newest Jacquie Lawson cards. In case some of you aren't familiar with her, go to The subscription rate for a year, to send any number of her gorgeous cards, is extremely reasonable!

    Y'all stay out of the snowbanks, ya hear? I love snow this time of year, but come February or March, I'll be wanting a week in Texas. :-)

    I just made a new batch of soap and my hands smell delicious! LOL

  16. Wow, that is quite the snowman! I found you through Trendy Treehouse blog hop and am now following you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  17. That's the biggest snowman I've ever seen! It's awesome!

  18. Yes, we have big snowmen in Wisconsin. I will say though that this is the biggest I have ever seen. Joe and his gal are so cute!
    What kind of soap did you make? Keep warm and look out the window at the beautiful snow. :)

  19. That is a pretty amazing snowman! We are expecting a few flakes this weekend. Probably not enough to make a snowman though. Enjoy the nice warm fire and have a great weekend, Candace

  20. Wow! That's a lot of snow. I'm following you back. Thanks for visiting.

  21. Man, that's a HUGE snowman!! What a FUN memory!

  22. I have an award for you! It's here:

  23. Super sized! How long did it take that Daddy to melt?

  24. Wow! That is an amazing snow man. In college some friends and I built a large snow man only because one of the guys was over 7 foot tall. It seemed big, but I am sure not nearly as big as yours. Very impressive. Bundle up, get some good movies and just relax. Hopefully the storm won't be too bad!! Best wishes!!

  25. That snowman is amazing, did it make your local news?
    Have a great weekend,

  26. Judy, I've only ever made one snowman. When I was nine and our town had a freak snowfall--the last time it had snowed before that was about 50 years before! So I'm no expert on snowmen, but I'd say this one must have taken some doing!

    Best wishes to Joe and Courtney! And hugs to Lionel!

  27. So fun to see grown-ups hard at work with kids play (super sized). Did you look at this the rest of winter, or did it melt quickly? My kids would have loved to have been a part of this!

  28. It's so funny when they make a fuss over 6" of snow in Chicago, or 2" of snow in NYC ... you get HOW MUCH snow each year?!?!? As much as I loathe driving in it, I do have to say I'd miss it terribly if I lived in a place without all 4 seasons done properly. Snow falling in big fat flakes, a cup of cocoa, a good book and some cookies in the oven ... indescribable how much peace and beauty there is in that ... :)


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