Wednesday, December 29, 2010

St. Paul's Cathedral - December 29, 1940

The first link is to a short video presented by BBC World News tonight. Please, just bear with the 25 second ad that precedes the video.

December 29, 1940, St. Paul's Cathedral

1 comment:

  1. Very moving piece of film to remind us all of very important history as the passing of time makes it easily possible for us to forget. It's amazing how St Paul's and many other grand London buildings still survive in the light of this film. Although I have visited most places mentioned on 3 min 11 seconds (except Coventry), I am most familiar with Bristol and secondly Cardiff. It is unfortunate although Bristol has some nice structures, the main shopping centre is still recovering to this day. The quick 1950s build has recently been extended into a modern shopping centre nearby to improve declining business. Unfortunately it seems that the main traders wanted to move out of the old and into the new creating a vacuum of decency between the new and the historic harbour at the other end. It's funny how you can still point the finger indirectly at the war in this instance and leave the mid 20th century architects and planners alone ..... for 5 minutes !!!
    Thanks for the post, I'm sorry I seemed to digress a little from the main point.


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