Monday, January 17, 2011

Cleaning Out

Well, here it is, mid-January, and I think my Seasonal Affective Disorder has kicked in. 

 Yes, I do think this is beautiful in its own very white, very cold way.

 Just four months ago this was my lush, green garden...

Our green has been replaced with lots of these...

And although I do love this snow-covered cranberry bush just outside my office window...

I needed to have a cheerier header for my blog and a fresh, clean look. SO, what you see below (and above) is the same cranberry bush, winter and summer. It felt good to get rid of my drab, gray blog background and open up the blog with more white space. It was terrifying to actually push the buttons that accomplished the change in template, but with copious reassurances from my daughters that all would not be lost, I finally did it!

I'm hoping it will inspire me to apply the same to our house. It could use a fresh, clean look with more open space. It's not the throwing away things that's difficult for me; it's determining which things I might need in the future. And that's the problem...

I think I need to go visit Fly Lady.

P.S. Check out my new blog button on my sidebar and our latest family pic.:-)


  1. I love the new look, much brighter!

  2. I thought your winter header was so beautiful; however, this new header and new blog design looks fabulous. I love it!

  3. Great new look! I love to change things. Grabbing the new button to update my blog roll! What a wonderful family picture! Everyone is looking at the camera too, quite the accomplishment with little ones.

  4. Love the new look! And the button and the family picture! I even love the winter shots...but then, we don't get enough snow to mention so I covet others' snow!

  5. Good for you with finally "pressing that button!" I know it can be a nervous thing, but look how beautiful your blog looks. I love the family picture! We are getting more snow tonight. Have a great night my friend!

    Mama Hen

  6. Thought I commented earlier...guess not! Love the new family pic, y'all just keep growing, don't you!? Hope your time together was meaningful :)
    Love all the snow pix, hope you are snuggly and warm inside! I'm enjoying your bright new button! I'm soo partial to bird your red one! Oh...and who's Fly Lady, do you have her link?

  7. I love he new header! So fresh and green. I need some green right now. The view out my windows is much like yours.

  8. I know what you mean about the fresh clean look! On Saturday something just came over me and like a whirlwind I cleaned out my whole dresser and dressing table, tidied the closet and re-organized the medicine cabinet!!

    This is also a good time of year to paint! ;)

  9. This time of the winter I think we all feel a need to brighten up our interiors. At least that's what I was thinking yesterday.

  10. It's always a problem knowing what to keep and what to throw out. "determining the things we need in the future" is an excellent phrase that I like a lot !!
    It's a great new striking header that you have.
    My experiences with blogger have shown that it's a leap of faith. My excuse is that I can't decide which picture to put there as I use a combination down the side and that may result in a radical overhaul that I am not ready for yet.... hey, that sounds like another message there !!


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