Thursday, January 6, 2011

Not One Collision

'Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.'   Revelation 4:11

P.S. I used to think the USAF Thunderbirds were pretty impressive...

P.P.S.  The above YouTube video was presented yesterday by Abby at Pictures of Great Britain. Be sure to visit her blog. She has gleaned great photos and selections to present every day, as well as a fun British Goodies widget on her sidebar, where you can get lots of cool British stuff!


  1. Wow... now that is an incredible sight!

  2. That was amazing! I shared it on my bird blog and linked to your blog!

  3. Oh-my-goodness! I cannot fathom in any measure the magnificence of God and the creatures He has made. I don't know if those are the same kind of starlings that come in my yard and eat up all my birdseed, but I certainly have a new appreciation of them if they are. I can't wait to show that to my grandkids! Thank you for posting it. I have had another round of praise to our Creator today!

  4. That is amazing! I loved the opening scene. God is really incredible! I have been watching a lot of animal documentaries with my daughter lately and I just find everything so facsinating! It is a beautiful Earth we live on and there is so much to see and learn! Have a great day my friend!

    Mama Hen

  5. Worthy to receive praise, indeed!
    Oh that we humans would, by our grace-empowered obedience, be restored to reflect God's creative genius and bring him as much pleasure as do the Starlings.

  6. stunningly beautiful! those waves of flying birds are amazing! difficult to imagine how one could deny that there is a Creator.

  7. Wow- that was amazing, thanks for sharing!! I'm going to check out Abby's website right now!


  8. Thank you for your sweet comment. Have a great night my friend!

    Mama Hen

  9. How beautiful. Nature reminds of us of the amazing life we all are a part of!

  10. This was awesome! Thanks for sharing it!

  11. That's what our blackbirds do around here in the fall. It's beautiful and creepy all at the same time! Very cool though!

  12. (I have to say, "Ditto" to Lana's comment above mine.)

    Thanks for linking this up last week for thought-provoking Thursday! (I'm a little behind in my blog reading these days.)


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