Sunday, January 23, 2011

Robert Duncan Paintings...

We received a real e-mail treat this weekend. Friends from England sent us a slideshow of the amazing artistry of Robert Duncan. I was able to find it on YouTube. You do know that everything is on YouTube! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Thank you, Penny and John!

P.S. Except for the mountains, the location could be Wisconsin. Remember, these are NOT photographs, but paintings. Spectacular!

My favorite? Farms are for Kids - Perhaps because it reminds me of growing up on a farm - or perhaps because it makes me think of the DNR...and a smile, involuntarily, comes to my face. :-)

You can purchase Robert Duncan's work at Robert Duncan Studios.


  1. Oh, so nostalgic! I love them all, hard to pick a favorite! What an incredible artist, capturing the very essence of rural life!

  2. Nice set of themed farm and country paintings with rousing music worthy of a place in your blog. It's difficult to imagine that they are all paintings as the clip progresses as I became involved in some of the scenes.

  3. Wow. Those are amazing. Reminds me of my rural southern Indiana roots. Thanks for sharing, Blessings...

    Saved By Love Creations

  4. Oh!! my husband loves these paintings! We have enjoyed browsing them on and off last year. Such a talent!

    I had to check in and see how you are doing in those freezing temperatures!
    Hope you are warm!

  5. They're incredible. Took me back to my childhood and the times I visited my great-grandfather's farm.

  6. He is one of my FAVORITE modern artists! Love these pastoral kids and cows themes! I have one in the girls' room and would love to have more!

  7. I am really loving these paintings!! I love paintings or scenery and real life. These are amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Beautiful, there are many parts of England that remind me of the Midwest and I love it.

  9. Thanks for sharing! I was an art minor in college, I love looking at artwork!! :)

    Hope you had a great weekend!! Are y'all staying warm??


  10. We experienced an afternoon much like the one in the second painting in Cambridge. These are very nice paintings, Judy. Thanks for sharing them. BTW, the toy book came today.....

  11. THose are beautiful paintings! Thank you for sharing!!

  12. Love all ot the paintings!!! My favorite is of the mother holding the child, both wearing long white gowns in the garden.

  13. It's a lovely thought, isn't it Robin. A far cry from my visor, shorts, and mud boots. :-)

  14. Hi that name! Course I tell you that every time. I have a big picture in my dining room called April Showers. It reminds me so of when I was growing up in Alaska. I homesteaded with my parents and brother and sister. He does a beautiful job painting.

    Thank you for the beautiful post!
    Hugs, me


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