Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Standing in Awe...

Neighbor Bill's barn on a late winter afternoon

I was thinking about the birds at our feeder and the wood for our stove. I just can't get over it: Here we are, a sinful, rebellious people on this earth, who ignore our Creator after all He's given us, and even  though we've contaminated His Creation, even though we try to stuff our lives with every possible thing to take His place, He still allows us not only to 'live on His earth and breathe His air,' but leaves us among so much residual beauty!

 Nuthatch and Downy at their 8 AM breakfast

 Bluejays on the basswood

 Finches at the north feeder

I am in awe every time I see the cardinals, bluejays, flickers, downies, sparrows, finches, and other winter birds at the feeder. They are perfect. They are beautiful. They are amazing creatures that do exactly what God wants them to do. And as much as I enjoy these creatures, it is God who is the source of all creation, God of whom we should be in awe.

 My Snowdog

My littlest Snowdog

And then I was thinking about the dogs and cats who live in our house. How strange it is that creatures completely different from us can live among us, communicate their desires, and enjoy our company.

A snuggly afternoon

Enjoying a snack together under the birdfeeder

Eating the leftovers, early evening

And then I was thinking about wood...what an amazing thing that is! It shades us, it works for building our homes, and when we're cold, we cut the tree down because it will combust (spell check is telling me that this isn't a word) ... and in doing so, it will give off heat to protect us against sub-zero outdoor temperatures (not to mention all the other uses there are for wood.) Yet another of God's many gracious provisions for us.

Wheelbarrow of wood brought into the house.

There is so much to think about...

There are so many reasons to bow before the Creator and give Him praise.

And so much for which to be thankful...on a cold January night.


  1. Oh you are soo right!
    So much to think about and give thanks for.
    So much to strive for - in serving Him and bringing honor to Him
    He has blessed us in so many ways.

    Thanks for the inspiration this morning!

  2. So many things that we take for granted each and every day. It's always good to step back and be thankful for them....we should all be doing that a lot more often! Great post Judy!

  3. Oh how I love this post...and the photos...beautiful...the message brings joy to the heart. "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 Thank you for sharing.

  4. Great post. There are so many things that we can learn from as you have demonstrated in here in this age old and yet modern parable.
    It's nice to see the bird enjoying dinner with the squirrel and I had lots of reasons to smile over the last photo.

  5. Amen!

    I have been thinking along these lines all week. Meditating on His BIGNESS. I find it so hard to explain, but the whole scheme of God's is so awe inspiring!

  6. Love this post. The pictures are beautiful and I appreciate you causing me to stop and ponder our fortune. God is so good. We are so stubborn!

  7. I love your pictures (and your words!!) God is awesome!! I am amazed at times at all the things He has given us!

    I really think you should publish all your photos into a book or something, I LOVE them!!

    Stay warm!!


  8. AMEN! You are absolutely right... and you've captured God's Beauty, Beautifully!

  9. Great post, Judy. How'd you get your cats to do that? The closest ours ever sleep is at least a foot apart..... Terrific photos.

  10. You do take wonderful pictures Judy. I loved the stack of wood and the cranberry picture. Nice job :)

  11. Love seeing all your critters! I agree, it is overwhelming to think about all that God has given us and all that we overlook.

  12. Lovely photos and reflections. God is so good to bless and forgive us. I love meditating on these things we take for granted and to see the awe that is really in them. God Bless-

  13. Love this post! I especially like the first picture. Tucker like the one with the squirrel and the blue jay! LOL

  14. Thank you so much for the beautiful reminder! Your photos are so beautiful! Have a great weekend, Candace

  15. Love it, love it, love it...I can just imagine sitting at your window for hours taking in the scene of God's magnificent creation in your neck of the woods...simply gorgeous!

  16. Beautiful pictures! I have been taken with birds especially lately, how much they stand out in all their glorious colors against the dry brown/yellow backdrop of a Texan winter. Awed by His care for us, and the persistent beauty in His creation. Loved reading your thoughts.


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