Sunday, January 2, 2011

Winter 2011

 Life in the decorations box

 John's gingerbread house

 Wreath on the front door - fake poinsettias, real snow

They've got until January 6. The morning of the 7th I will take down the tree, the wreath, and all the decorations and pack them away until early December of 2011.  It is nice to have the glow of the lights and the cheery decorations, but there comes a time when you have to face the fact that a new year is beginning and I just have to deal with January, February, and March, whether I like it or not.

 The backyard

 Joe's and Rob's snow caves, excavated during Christmas weekend

My little Jeep is supposed to pull Kevin's one ton work truck out of a snowbank??
uphill??  on ice??
The above photos were all taken in late December, but there's no reason to think the snow will go away any time before March - or April. I'd rather plan on April and be pleasantly surprised if it all melts mid March.

It's been so nice to get to know you, my blogging friends, during 2010. I look forward to reading your blogs during this new year.

And now I need to go hang up my new 2011 calendars

and throw away the leftover Christmas candy.

Even the M&Ms. :-(


  1. Throw away Christmas candy?! Now don't do anything rash! Happy New Year!!! I look forward to reading your posts in 2011.

  2. That's an impressive amount of snow! Happy New Year, Judy! It's been fun gettin to know you.

  3. After the weekend's thaw, we are snowless :-( But we have returned to winter temps and wind. Woo! I remember making snow caves back in the late '70s when we had our three years of blizzards. Crazy times! We were snowed in for almost three weeks! I think that is why I sometimes hoard food in the pantry! Which reminds me I don't have any powdered milk on hand! YIKES! ;-)

    Look forward to sharing a lot of fun with you this year!


  4. What a wonderful selection of photos and so colourful.. take care, Judyx

  5. Here in Buffalo NY all our snow melted over the last week - we were able to get out for a few walks - I even said to my husband - Do you think we will get lucky and be done with the snow this year? He looked at me like I was crazy! and of course I was! Yesterday we got a fresh new coating of 3 inches.

    I took all my decorations down and packed them away EXCEPT for our tree and my lights and pine garland on the fire place with the stockings. Just not ready to say good bye to it yet - but will have to next weekend as the tree and pine dries out.

    Have a happy day!

  6. Our snow melted and now it's just COLD! My tree is still up, part of me says it's to celebrate Epiphany on the 6th but the real reason is that I'm just plain lazy.

    P.S. Don't throw those M & M's away, separate the red from the green and you're all set for Valentine's Day and St Paddy's Day ;)

  7. I guess I can't complain that it only got into the high 40's over the weekend here huh? :) Looking forward to your posts in 2011 Judy!

  8. I always feel so blah when the Christmas lights come down. Can't there be January lights?

  9. NOOOOO! Don't throw away the M&Ms!!! To each its own season, but M&Ms are timeless!

    Your decorations are beautiful and inspiring, and it will be sad to put them away. But then, they're that much more special that we don't just leave them up to gather dust all year, but can celebrate the wonder of Christmas when it comes 'round again.

    It has been WONDERFUL getting to know you and your family this past year, and I look so forward to more posts and more joys ... :)

  10. Happy New Year! Wow, it looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. I love the decorations, the gingerbread house, the snow tunnels! Those are so cool! We got 3 inches in the evening of Christmas so had some snowy fun ourselves. Keep warm and wishing you a wonderful New Year!

  11. Great pictures. I'm always sad to see Christmas go, but the promise of a new year is pretty great to! Yeah I HAD to get rid of all the Christmas candy to lol

  12. I suppose we would seem silly with our scarves, hats and gloves in 40 degree weather! LOL

    The pictures are lovely and the snow, although I'm sure it gets old, is just gorgeous!

  13. You are throwing away M&Ms?? Mail them to Texas- I'll eat them! ;) I never have leftover M&Ms, they are my candy of choice!

    I have enjoyed reading your blog and getting to know you as well! Looking forward to 2011!!

    Love the pictures- I doubt we will see that much snow, if any. :( I'm sure you probably get sick of it, but since we rarely see it, I love the thought of lots of snow. It got cold enough this weekend for me to pull out my electric blanket. I used it Saturday night and last night. Probably won't use it every night this week though. The joys of living in Texas! If you don't like the weather- just wait- it will change!


  14. I love the snow! We took the decorations down yeterday because the tree did not last that long this year. I love having the tree up, but that feeling of cleaning up and the open space is always nice. I hope you are doing great! Have a nice night!

    Mama Hen

  15. That gingerbread house looks simply beautiful!!! Love the snow caves too ;)

  16. You have such amazing Christmas pictures!!

  17. Love all your decorations!! I'm like you...I leave the decorations up through the 6th, then take them down on the 7th!
    Great snow caves, what fun!!!


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