Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Knitted Fuzzy Lamb

 My supplies

I found a great pattern online (and FREE) for a little knitted and stuffed lamb. Using 'Beautiful' yarn, both the white and a skein of gray for the face and feet, and size US 6 needles, I followed the free instructions . It was my first attempt at making a knitted toy, and my prior experience with knitting has been scarves and hats and my felted purse. So this was really fun. I enjoyed following a fussy little pattern. Something like this doesn't give you a chance to get bored because nearly every row is something different!

 Fuzzy Lamb on the woodpile
I know. The eyelashes kinda make it look like Lamb Chop, don't they. 
or maybe they make him look like Shari Lewis

 Fuzzy Lamb outdoors

You too can get the FREE pattern for 'Fuzzy Lamb.' My second attempt (below) turned out better because I used a thicker black yarn for the face which didn't leave little holes PLUS he has much more of a 'Scottish Blackface' look, which I like better. An Amish Scottish Blackface, that is, ...until I get the eyes, nose, and mouth sewn on.

After that, I knitted a toy pig, using instructions from the book, The World of Knitted Toys by Kath Dalmeny.

On Amazon, the book is shown as out of stock, but is still available from other sellers. It contains many toy patterns, all are cute, and definitely worth adding to your knitting library!

I finished the pig parts over a month ago, but still haven't sewn them together. You're starting to see a pattern of poor task completion here, aren't you. So we have pigs, parts missing, lying on my desk. Unfortunately, the interesting part is over and I really want to get on to knitting another toy animal, but I suppose I have to make myself sew on those ears and legs!

Author, Second Chance - A Tale of Two Puppies
Check out my handcrafted soaps at Soap'n'Such

This post is linked to: Making the World Cuter Mondays
and Something I Whipped Up Monday
and Motivate Me Monday
and Making Monday Marvelous
and Wandering Wednesday
and We Did it Wednesday
and Thrilling Thursday
and Favorite Things Friday
and I'm Lovin' it Friday
and It's a Hodgepodge Friday


  1. Those lambs are so sweet! They look so cuddly! I just might have to learn to knit:-)

  2. They turned out so cute, Judy. I have the yarn just waiting for me for one of these and am taking the toy book with me the next time we go to Chicago so the GK can each pick a toy for me to make. Thanks for putting me on to this book! It's a fun one.

  3. They are so darn cute! I did think of Lamb Chop when I saw the first one! I'm working on a sweater for Tucker right now...not sure I want to tackle a lamb...but maybe...LOL

  4. Oh wow this is so cute! :) I don't knit (well...not very well...anyways) but I am going to try to crochet one like this! I like the black-face better too. :)
    I take it you like lambs. :) Sometime you should come over to the farm in Summer or Spring and see ours. You could probably even see one a few days old if you wanted to. :)

  5. I love it. I am working on two felted purses. One will be a larger purse. The other is more of an evening bag. I am excited to finish them. I hope to give Bobby the large one. I made her a scarf last year. The yarn was from Ireland...Irish wool. :)

  6. Precious!!! The eyelashes are my favorite, but I love the black accents on "muker" #2. :)

    Oh, if only I could knit....

  7. I like the black faced on as well Judy. I have a bunch of crochet animal patterns that I have been collecting from old Workbasket magazines. I will have to show you sometime.

  8. My mom would LOVE this book! I never developed a love for knitting, but I do like to crochet. These are adorable and remind me of Lambchop because I am that old! ;-)

  9. Oh I loooooove him!!! Want to sell some? :) Just wanted to say thanks for your sweet words of support about my little 2 year old jailbird Cooper. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you for commenting on that post...It's been a bit of wild ride around here. Talk to you soon.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  10. I was going to ask the same question as Alex... Want to sell some??! TOO CUTE!!

  11. You might turn me into a knitter one of these days! These are ADORABLE! I Love them!! :)

  12. Very cute! He looks like a quick project.

    I have been telling myself I can't start anyting else until I finish some up! Then I can start aprons!

  13. Sooo cute! I wish I could make one of those for Acadia. I'm terrible at knitting though. I haven't even been able to complete my first project. The needles are so awkward in my hands. Great job!

  14. I LOVE the black and white lamb... it looks sooo cuddly!


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