Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lionel in... 'The Great Pillow War'

 The General

After successive nighttime skirmishes, Judy relinquishes control of formerly-held territory.

Sometimes, surrender is simply the best option.

Author, Second Chance - A Tale of Two Puppies
Check out my handcrafted soaps at Soap'n'Such


  1. I notice that you are an early riser, too! Lionel looks like a royal kitty. Ah-choo!

  2. And he's still keeping his eye on you! LOL

  3. That is TOO funny!!! Lionel's expressions are priceless! Only cats can give those looks ... :)

  4. The boys want to pet him! He looks like a General with that face! LOL

  5. Great photos of Lionel! He definitely looks like he's in charge. :)

  6. So adorable! Lionel is the cutest! This post made me smile! have a great week my friend!

    Mama Hen

  7. Thank you for giving me a heads-up on this--I wouldn't have seen it for two more days! And you know I love that boy! If I were your neighbor, you'd be soooo sick of me--I'd be there every day for hours on end holding and petting and baby-talking him!

  8. Nice couple of photos with the appropriate book back drop in relation to the slant you gave the post !!

  9. I love this!! Seems you have quite the zoo over there!! I love to have all the animals husband...not so much. I take in whatever I can find on the street...dogs, cats, birds. We foster puppies but it is really hard to give them up...those are the only animals my husband wants us to keep but we would have a whole kennel by now!!

  10. This is one cool cat!! He should have his own pillow and he looks like he knows how to get what he wants. :D He is a handsome boy!


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