Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton

London Calling

After a long phone call, where I was coerced lovingly invited to get up at 3 AM CDT to watch the pre-wedding, wedding, and post-wedding TV coverage of the royal wedding, I finally relented and told my friend that I will arrive bearing tea and scones.  I realize that full BBC coverage will be broadcast later in the day, but the BBC's idea of what's important to cover for a later broadcast may not be the same as ours.

I don't know how many people will be crowded around this spot in London, for if you were standing under this tube sign, you could look across the street to Westminster Abbey, where the wedding ceremony, uniting William Windsor and Catherine Middleton in holy matrimony, will take place.

Westminster Abbey North Door 

 Zooming in on the window above the door

 Just above the door

I found this floor plan online somewhere

I'm really a directionally oriented person (as in cardinal directions), so this morning when my husband and I were at a nursery to pick up some tomato plants, we had this debate about the floor plan of Westminster Abbey. I was using plant markers to try to demonstrate to my husband how I remembered the interior of Westminster Abbey. After we got home, I went online and found this helpful diagram (above).

The first time I saw the abbey, when I walked through the door I made an involuntary, audible gasp and tears filled my eyes. (I know, how very embarrassing.) But no kidding, it was  the most magnificent church I'd ever seen. I hope you all get to see it at some time. It would still be at the top of my 'must see in London' locations, and such a thrill to attend an Evensong service.

I'm wondering if the royal couple will later appear on this balcony at Buckingham Palace to wave to the crowd of onlookers. A Google Search took me to lots of photos of royals on that same balcony, including George V and Queen Mary, William's great-great grandparents. I think Queen Elizabeth looks so much like her Grandma Mary.

 Update 8:45 CDT:  Sure enough, they did wave from the balcony at Buckingham Palace, and here's the official kiss!

Photo: Huffington Post

And in case anyone missed this exclusive coverage of the royal wedding, my friend Beth reminded me where I could find it online:

Have a great weekend, everyone. I hope you can catch up on your sleep after the wedding!



  1. Oh, Judy, thanks for the directional and pictorial exhibit. I am so directionally challenged that I can't even remember where Westminster Abbey is, after having toured London! I didn't get up for the wedding; guess I'll have to watch the inferior version later. Have a wonderful and blessed weekend. Mine will be busy watching a granddaughter in a Civil War reenactment.

  2. Westminster is magnificent and one of my top three places to visit in London. It's probably my first choice because of all the history stored literally and figuratively within its walls! I was up too. I think I will stop the DVRing after the kiss. The girls had a hard time getting ready for school with in on, but I wanted them to see some of it live!

    Have a great weekend, and I hope you see lots of sunshine and feel the warmth of it all!

  3. Hope you enjoyed the coverage!! I'm gonna have to catch the replay :)

  4. I would have been terribly disappointed if you, of all Anglophiles, hadn't watched the wedding! Glad to know you were there with me ... :)

  5. I wouldn't have missed it! Although I really feel the sleep deprivation already, it was really fun to enjoy tea and scones at 3 AM with my dear friend Kimmy as we watched the coverage and discussed the many aspects of the British monarchy. Now I have lots of things I need to Google. :-)

  6. This is a big day for my husband, so I couldn't spoil his sleep by roaming about in the middle of the night! Have been catching bits and pieces of the rehash since I got up at 5:00.

  7. Thank you so much for this fun post! I can't wait to see Westminster Abbey for myself. I wouldn't doubt that my eyes would get a little wet as well :)

  8. Oh, and in case anyone wants to see it online, here's the perfect website:

  9. Oh what fun! First thing this morning, as soon as I got to work, I had a look at the wedding dress. Gorgeous! Love the pictures of the Westminster.

  10. Judy, don't be embarrassed about tears filling your eyes when seeing the Abbey in person. I was sitting here crying watching the shots of it on the television! Especially when the choir was singing. Wasn't Kate beautiful?! One of my favorite parts was when Harry said to William, "Wait til you see her".

  11. I watched the wedding, walked Tucker two miles, and made it to school before 8:00. I thought the wedding was well worth the early rising!

  12. Here in England I've been glued to the TV all day - wonderful! So many 'best bits' but I was very moved by Kate's brother's remarkable reading from St Paul's Letter to the Romans.

  13. Didn't Kate's brother do a fantastic job! I am wondering if he isn't a public speaker in some form within his occupation. It was tremendous. Loved everything about the day, absolutely everything! I have a write up on my blog as well about the days events, thanks so much for sharing!

  14. Yes, I also thought Kate's brother did an amazing job. Surely he must be used to being in the public eye. He paused at all the right places, looked confident and controlled.

    I was also struck by the fact that commoners who made their money selling party supplies were standing on the balcony at Buckingham Palace with the Queen of England and the other royals. Cool!

  15. Thank you for this. I once had the privilege of being at Westminster Abbey for Maundy Thursday, and I was trying to remember the floor plan. This was very helpful!

  16. So funny!! Oh my friend I suppose the next time I come for a visit you will have the entire Royal family knitted and they will accompany us for tea. :D I know you will probably start with the Corgi the stitch guide or you will end up making a German Shepard I'm sure! Tee Hee! By the way your photos are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Loved the royal wedding...Kate's dress was amazing and the balcony kisses were the sweetest :)

    xx Cat brideblu

  18. That was the most beautiful wedding! They looked so happy. Thanks for stopping by. by the way the recipe I posted wasn't mine it is one that I had found but you need to check her website she has a beautiful blog with tons of recipes!

  19. *sniff sniff* We don't have TV, so I couldn't see it! And BELIEVE ME I WOULD have gotten up EVEN AT 3:00AM to see the wedding! WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! *breathe* It's so exciting! And Kate's wedding dress was SO BEAUTIFUL! :) The Little flower-girls were so cute in the photos and Prince William looked very dashing in that red jacket! What fun! :)

  20. Thanks for another amazing post. What a good friend you are. That was really early. Gottta love a royal wedding though.

  21. I can't wait to go to London and see it myself!! I'll probably tear up too!!

    Side note: I think I was one of the few people who didn't watch the wedding. Maybe I'm just weird!!


  22. You used your library of photos to good effect here. I missed the wedding but saw the highlights later on TV when I got to my destination. My second confession or apology is that it's years since I've been in Westminster Abbey and I must visit it next time.... along with the British Museum.

  23. Oh Judy you never disappoint, I was anxious to check your blog to see what comments you had about the Royal Wedding! And you posted pictures too... I am so glad you had fun getting up in the middle of the night, thank you for being my link to to England!

  24. Oh my, I wouldn't have missed it for the world! Jim and Ally slept on the couch while I watched (they wanted to get up, but just couldn't keep their eyes open, lol). I sipped my hot tea while kicking myself for not going that extra mile to make scones...your post did not disappoint! I loved every bit of the royal wedding, as well as your post!

    ...partialemptynester ;)


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