Sunday, May 22, 2011

God is my co-pilot

I know this has been around for a long time, but I saw it again recently and decided that you needed to hear my opinion on it. ;-)

The first time I saw this bumper sticker, it was on a car which had obviously been in several small accidents - dented fender, broken tail light, duct-taped window, etc.

And of course, this drives me just crazy!!


God is nobody's co-pilot.
God doesn't need a co-pilot.
God is THE PILOT, the co-pilot, the navigator, the flight attendant, etc.
I am a passenger.
My job is to trust Him - to trust that He knows what He's doing, that He will get me to my destination, and that He always knows the best route.

For those of you who are going through difficult circumstances, I pray that you will not bother to look deep within to find the answers, for there are none there. If we honestly assess what's in our hearts, we tend to find selfishness, greed, pride, resentment, ulterior motives for our 'goodness,' etc.

Instead, look outward - to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, the only One who can forgive sins, Who takes our sin in trade for His righteousness and give us freedom from guilt, a clear conscience, and an abiding joy.

He's the Pilot whom we can trust with our present and future.

Even when there's turbulence.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.  -Proverbs 3:5 

But the lovingkindness of the LORD is to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children's children, to those who keep his covenant and remember His precepts to do them. The LORD has established His throne in the heavens and His sovereignty rules over all.   -Psalm 103:17-19

Author, Second Chance - A Tale of Two Puppies
Check out my handcrafted soaps at Soap'n'Such


  1. I couldn't agree more! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Judy,
    I love your post. If you have time check out Brad Stine and watch his Bumper Sticker You Tube. It will make you laugh :-)

  3. Thank you so much for this post, Judy. That is one of my pet peeves. Goes along with that poem that says, "I am master of my fate." Oh, really? Since when are God's hands so tied that He cannot control our "plane" or our fate? I am thrilled to know that when my husband was flying with the air force, those times when lightning struck his aircraft were guided by the REAL PILOT of that plane, the Lord Jesus Christ. Through good and bad, we can be assured that He is the Blessed Controller of all things. "For we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

  4. Thank you!! Just what I needed to hear today. He is indead in control AND he has a Plan for each of us.

  5. Very good points! I tend to look up a lot these days. Have a fantastic day!

  6. Wow, you are so right! We all need to look to God in all times. He is always with us and is the answer. I hope you are doing well my friend. Great post!

    Mama Hen

  7. Oooh, AMEN! Love this!! Too many times we want to be the back seat driver and tell God how to drive, but we need to just let him steer!

  8. I have been thinking about this the last couple of days. I can't agree more. Sometimes I think that one of the biggest problems that people have is they can't step back and realize that God is truly in control. For some reason pretending that they have control over everything makes them feel better. I am not sure why, knowing that God has control is what makes me feel better.

  9. You are absolutely correct! Well said, Judy.

  10. Such a good point. I have never thought of it really when I heard people say that... But now, thanks to you, it will drive me crazy too because you are sooo right! :)

  11. You are SO right. I'm sick of hearing how we should 'look within ourselves' for the answers to life's hard questions. Navel gazing won't get us anywhere, but looking upward will. Great post!

  12. Yes, there are so many cute little phrases and sound bites that fly right in the face of reality and truth and really do fuzz the reception for those that get them lodged in their perspective.

    Love the photos you take and your soap looks lovely. I will keep it in mind.


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