Thursday, June 2, 2011

Side-by-Side Photo Album

When you meet me out and about, please don't ask if I have any photos of the family along. I don't carry them with me because...

...My family photo album is too heavy to carry with me!

Author, Second Chance - A Tale of Two Puppies
Check out my handcrafted soaps at Soap'n'Such


  1. My photo album is too heavy, too. All of them! I'm so guilty anymore of leaving my pictures on the computer. Naughty me. But when I do make an album I use the online resources. They are so much thinner!

  2. You're going to have to find a way to fit that fridge in your purse!

  3. The non fattening version of going to the refrigerator!

  4. So cute! ;) I have a stainless fridge and magnets dont stick to it!!

  5. LOL Your photo album looks a lot like mine!

  6. Too funny! Mom had a mustard yellow fridge when we were little, she didn't mind how many things we crammed on there. When she got a white one, no one can put anything on it! lol!

  7. You are very well Blessed! I don't carry photos but that's because I'm too unorganized too.
    A-Tisket A-Tasket
    (I've been having problems posting comments with my goggle account)

  8. Gosh, those are some great pictures and yes, I would carry all my pics if I thought someone would stop and look at them, lol.

  9. We need to talk about scrapbooking! Silly girl! ;-)

  10. Oh how sweet!! Love this and your humor!! You made me smile and laugh!!

  11. Judy, I think we grandma's need one of those rolling briefcases to haul our pictures around with us!

  12. Ha ha. Your fridge is as busy as mine !!


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