Wednesday, August 17, 2011

British Bread Advert

Somebody sent me this as an e-mail forward and I thought it was so cool.



  1. That is awesome!! Thanks for sharing that, Judy!

  2. Is it just me? Or does that boy look kinda like Harry Gregson from Cranford? ;) It's a cute add.

  3. That is such a fun commercial!! Love how they did the quick trip trough time.

  4. That was pretty cool!

    I made the blueberry muffins- with a few changes for less calories. They are good!

  5. Oh I love this!!! What a great ad. The kid is so cute. I had to watch it twice to see if I could see where his clothes change. I'm so weird!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  6. Hovis has made some great adverts over the years, this is probably one of their better ones as they have opted to move through time with this one.


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