Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Eagle Has Landed

 Cute, sweet little neighbor boy and his chickens

I didn't get chickens this year, but our neighbors did. I still have the gift certificate to Murray McMurray Hatchery, so I'm contemplating the chicken project for next spring, but just haven't quite made the commitment. I like the idea of having our own eggs, but more than that, it appeals to me to have a 'lap chicken' like the Australorp. Unfortunately, I doubt the Australorp has the same appeal for Bridger. I think there are some new tricks you absolutely can't teach an old dog, and I suspect that 'leaving chickens alone' is one of them. I won't tie up my dog, not even for a lap chicken.

Chickens? Did you say chickens??

 The neighbor's cute chickens

 Great chicken tractor, made by cute neighbor boy's daddy

Hungry Eagle

What I saw sitting at the top of our pine tree, looking the direction of cute neighbor boy and his chickens (I heard the eagle first, making the strangest loud cries, then noticed him in our 80' pine tree).

 Not one, but TWO eagles were there!

What a beautiful creature!

Eagle photos taken by our daughter, Angela

The neighbor's chickens are soon to be moved to a coop and a chicken yard.
I hope that chicken yard also has a roof. The eagle looks determined.



  1. Oh gosh, that Eagle is gorgeous! But I hope he doesn't get the chickens. And Bridger? What a BEAUTY! Between him and the eagle, maybe chickens really aren't the best idea. LOL

  2. He does indeed! How amazing that you got such beautiful pictures of him! He is gorgeous!

  3. The chicken yard does not have a roof. :(

  4. Great pics of the eagles, and I love your story. Chickens DO sound appealing sometimes, especially tonight as I remember I have only one egg in the fridge. DANG! I think you are right about Bridger and his aversion to lap chickens!

  5. The chickens are cute.. but the eagle is absolutely amazing!!! Such beauty.

  6. Thats an awesome photo of the eagle..we have 2 living here but I can never get any decent shots!

  7. Lovely creatures, but none can compare with our Lionel! :D But, Judy, you could sell your photos. You need to get that eagle photo into your local shops and galleries!

  8. Oh my goodness! I can't believe you have eagles so close to home. Those pictures are amazing.

  9. Love your eagles. Hope they leave the chickens alone! I hate when the red-tailed hawk shows up and picks off one of "my" birds at my feeder! ( I know he has to eat, too, just not on my watch!)

  10. That pine tree is about 60 feet north of the house. That, along with another huge pine tree just southeast of the house, are good vantage points from which eagles can scope out their next meal! We don't see them there every day, of course, but occasionally, and much more frequently than in years past. Never before have we seen two at a time perched in our tree.

  11. Wow, that's some scary creature to have in your backyard. The chickens will need a roof on with predators like that around.Protected Red Kites live in a forest/nature reserve near to where I live... that's as about exciting it gets for me !!

  12. Those are AMAZING pictures! Eagles fascinate me. You caught them on camera so perfectly. Thanks so much for sharing. I so needed something so incredible today!!

  13. Ooooh, little chickies! We used to have chickens and I remember going to the farm supply store to pick out which bundles of fluff we would bring home. Cute!


  14. Oh that eagle is spectacular. I'm always on the lookout for them and believe it or not there has been an increase in their sightings in downtown DC. We saw one overhead in the middle of Georgetown when we visited my daughter a few weeks back. We haven't seen any here in NJ but saw several on a trip to Maine last year. Such beautiful creatures!

  15. Wow...I loved the post and especially the photos of the eagles. They did look pretty determined and I think would grab a lap chicken in a heart beat and not think twice about it. (and so would Bridger.) :D

  16. The pictures of the eagles are beautiful.

  17. Wow, great pictures your daughter took!!!

    Hope the baby chickens will be safe from becoming an early dinner for something.

    We didn't order chickens this year either. Wish we had. There is always next year.


  18. Bridger is so adorable! I just want to hug him! He looks so loveable. :)

    Yeah, that eagle looks hungry, I hope the chickens are in a safe place. Your daughter took great pictures!! The eagle is such a beautiful bird!!


  19. Wow! I love the pictures of the eagle! All the pictures are wonderful! Your dog is just so beautiful! Have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  20. I think Bridger would be entirely too enamored of the chickens, although it would be a lot of fun to have them around! How great would it be when the grandkids visit???

  21. Great photos! Maybe they hopped on over from Decorah, IA?

  22. Yeah, we tried to let our chickens free range one morning and spent the rest of the day fighting off hawks! Back to the coop for them!


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