Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wisconsin Barn in July

Wisconsin barn under a beautiful summer sky

This is one of my favorite barns in the area. Of course I love the stone foundation, (remember my love of Yorkshire??), but I also like the deep red of this barn. There are many white barns in Wisconsin also, but there's just something about the deep red barn that, in my mind, is stereotypical of the Wisconsin family farm barn, probably because my grandpa's barn was red.

When I took the photo, I was so focused on getting the picture of the barn that I didn't notice if it was still in operation or not. When they're not, (in other words, if they don't contain those warm cow bodies) it's only a matter of time before our harsh Wisconsin winters and spring thaws cause their foundations to crack and heave. Then, inevitably, the barn caves in. It's sad to see how many barns in our area are disintegrating. Eventually they will only be a thing read about in coffee table books.


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This post is linked to Barn Charm


  1. What a beautiful old barn! A friend of Greg's is having to tear down his old barn. The only good thing about that is we are getting a lot of the barn wood!

  2. This is a beautiful barn. I enjoy seeing barns and like you I love deep red ones. Hope you have a great day.

  3. I don't know if it's because I was raised in the Midwest or not, but old barns always make me homesick! I am still so fascinated by them.

  4. That is a beutiful barn. I love the rich red color and the stone adds a little character to it. Beautiful.

  5. Gorgeous barn. Hope there are cows inside!

  6. Oh, to be in beautiful Wisconsin. It's supposed to be 108 degrees here today; it was 106 yesterday and we haven't had but one rain in 2 months. Dry, dry....

  7. Great picture! Looks like it is in good condition, maybe someone is keeping it up. That stone foundation is beautiful!

  8. That is a beautiful barn!! I haven't seen too many in person (growing up in a city and all). I think I need to take a road trip to Wisconsin and see some in person!!

    Hope you have a great day!


  9. That has got to be the most beautiful barn I've ever seen!

  10. It breaks my heart to see the barns leaving our landscape. The new barns are not the same at all. We call them Factories.

  11. I love old barns..nice photos!

  12. I've seen a lot of red barns (Shouldn't ALL barns be red?!) but never one with stone. How beautiful! Hope it is never allowed to deteriorate.

  13. I love barns too, Judy! Thanks for sharing this beautiful one with us. Have a great weekend!

  14. I love red barns and the Wisconsin countryside too!

  15. Nice mix of colours & materials. Sad to hear about them being underused.

  16. Hello where is this barn and do you know the owners? my fiance and i are getting married in July 2012 and really want a barn for the wedding. please email me.

    thank you
    tah and joey

  17. Beautiful! I love the combination of the red and the stonework.

  18. I love the bright red color and that stone foundation is my favorite! Love it! Thanks for posting!

  19. what a great barn. such character. ( :

  20. I love that red color too and of course that stone foundation!

  21. Oooh, I just am taken in by that wonderful stone foundation. What a great barn it is!

  22. What a beauty!
    I love the old stone foundations, and find it sad, too, that so many of these are falling down or no longer here.
    Northern MN is hard on them, too.

  23. What a beauty of a barn! I'm runnin very late this week... but thank you for joining =)


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