Thursday, October 13, 2011

Schoolroom Makeover


Window seat end of former schoolroom

What was a schoolroom for many years, has now become a library with my husband's office at one end.

Prior to this 'makeover' the room had been divided by a movable two-sided library bookcase, which was about 5 1/2 feet high and 6 feet long. It had 16 shelves, each 3' long.

The (former) gray carpet and You-know-who

The Geographics now live in a different bookcase
Notice former 'sage' walls and flowered curtains.
Okay, so I don't get around to changing things on a regular basis.
or hardly ever.

But then, as you may remember, Kevin refinished the maple floors. With that done, it seemed a shame to keep everything else the same. Besides, it would be nice to open up that 11.5' x 26' room, rather than divide it with that big set of bookshelves. So, we did.

Proof that I, yes I, actually did paint this room!

We had purchased two area rugs (same color and pattern, different sizes), one for the schoolroom and one for my office area. Once that was done, I took a carpet sample into the paint department to match the color. The paint I chose is Dutch Boy, primer and paint in one (goes on like pudding), in the color 'Peppered Red.' It was a perfect match and I love it! It's not a bright red, but a deep red, my favorite!

 Window Seat and Reading Nook (under the stairway)
If I don't put the stuffed animals on the chairs, the grandpuppy occupies them. So while she's visiting, I'm keeping the stuffed dog and bear on those chairs.

New, white bookshelves
Bridger and Jasmine, breaking in the new rug
It wouldn't seem like home if it didn't have some dog hair on it!

Many thanks to Kevin for the long hours spent refinishing the floors.
Thanks to the home improvement store for having the rugs I wanted ON SALE.
Thanks to Dutch Boy for having that great 'Peppered Red' color, and making a paint that doesn't require an application of two coats!

Oh. And thanks to Kevin and me for building the new, white bookcases on Thursday, the day before the rehearsal dinner. Okay, he did the lion's share of the work, but I'm a great helper and cheerleader, and that ought to count for something!

Now I think I need to do a makeover of our bedroom closet. Oh, where to start! Do you think Kevin would notice if half of his shirts went missing?

P.S. My regular Friday travel photos will be posted on Saturday this week instead. Just a heads up for all those who are, like me, rigid and inflexible. ;-)

This post is linked to It's a Party at Creative Princess.



  1. Looks really inviting! I love the walls and the floor. And the dogs just add that homey feel!

  2. Looks great! We like the bed in the wall and the window seat:)

  3. I LOVE what you've done to the place :)

  4. It looks marvelous! I LOVE it! And in my favorite color too! You did such a great job. Now I'm inspired to get moving on the room I need to paint!

  5. It looks great but I'm distracted by your adorable German Shepherd. Such a beautiful dog! Enjoy your redone space!

  6. That looks great! The red paint is beautiful! I love pictures with our furry babies! I hope you are doing well. That room will be a great place to cuddle up with a good book when the snow comes back. Have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  7. Great job! Looks like a great room to curl up in and read some good books!

    A-Tisket A-Tasket

  8. Great job, what a welcoming room. Great for getting cozy with a good book in the months to come. You have plenty of choice of subjects it looks like.

  9. Love the color. The room looks great...that's where I would love to go and read.

  10. Looks gorgeous - I especially love the color!

  11. Love that color! You did a great job remodeling. I love those fall scenes below that make me miss the farm. Enjoy your new surroundings.

  12. Oh, how I love libraries. Great job, Judy and Kevin! I know that it will be greatly enjoyed. (May I sleep in the nook when I come to visit?) Oh, did I not tell you? :o)

  13. Very awesome. This is Denise, from shortybearsplace.

  14. A window seat AND a reading nook? Now you're just making me mad! :D What a delightful room! I can just picture myself there. Of course, I'd give the canines the heave-ho and bring in Lionel. Just keep the tea and scones coming while we read and purr.

  15. Oh, it looks lovely. So warm and inviting, I love the colours! :)

  16. What a fun place to snuggle up with a good book! I just wish I could read some of your titles....looks like you have quite a collection.

  17. Great Job! I would love to sit and read in the nook. I know two boys who would love snuggle in the reading nook.

  18. FABULOUSLY gorgeous room!!! I need to do a lot of work on the condo I just moved back into (a perpetual work in progress that was supposed to be more ready when I got here), so you've given me lots of good information and inspiration ... :)

  19. I've so missed reading your blog!! Life has been so crazy! I'm trying to catch up on the past two weeks of blog reading!! I see these pictures and I'm like, "I want these book shelves for all my books!" I love it!! I LOVE the red too!!


  20. What a lovely job you have both made of the room and a great place to sit and read, I'm into book cases too ... as everyone says !!
    "Breaking in the rug" .. haha.
    NIce to see that when the dogs are not in there to keep you company, your friend is constantly there whilst the long 'breaking of the chair in' continues !!!

  21. Breathtaking!!! So did you homeschool, too!?!? Wow! So excited to see what you choose to do with your kitchen this spring ~ very fun!!! I'm going to gleam from your wisdom daily!!!

    Aimee @ ItsOverflowing

  22. Thanks, Aimee, yes, I homeschooled for 21 years! I'm hoping I still feel ambitious about the kitchen when spring arrives. lol Maybe I'll get my daughters to help with that project.

  23. What a beautiful makeover! I know you are thrilled with your new space. I would be spending lots of time there if I were you!

  24. Judy,
    The school room looks amazing. It's hard to picture it looking different in my brain. :)



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