Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reflecting Sweetness

This little guy will have to tell his brothers that Grandma's Hallowe'en candy is still all here. No Trick or Treaters showed up last night!  I wonder if I can stay away from those little boxes of Dots and M&Ms until the grandkids come for a visit.

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  1. I had to turn the porch light off an hour after our trick or treaters started coming-ran out of candy! (And I'd purchased 5 bags!)

    Hate this holiday! Just sayin'...

    Have fun just trying to stay away from that candy!! Lol!

  2. Oh my word, he is just adorable!! Great picture, Judy.
    We were packing, so we didn't even turn our lights on...almost felt like Scrooge! lol

  3. P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, I did not take this sweet photo. It was sent to me by his dad. :-)

  4. It's because they knew you had Dots... ;)

  5. Just so ya know...I read this post to the kids, and immediately Soren says, "I miss my Grandma!!!!" :D How about a visit this weekend?

  6. I was just told I wasn't authorized to comment, so I'll try again :) Very few kids out in our area last night, too. Monday night Halloween and so many trunk or treats over the week-end, I guess.

    Wanted you to know that I made your apple cider cake last week. It was PERFECT!! Thank-you, Judy!!

  7. Looks to me like he's too young to spill the beans! What a cutie, and how he's grown. We had 2 more tricksters than you...gotta take this candy somewhere else......

  8. I only had a few ring my doorbell.

  9. Look at those eyes! What a cutie! Now, step away from the candy. Slowly. Now turn around in the other direction and---RUN AWAY! LOL

  10. The freezer is my best ally when I'm really trying to avoid the sweet stuff. I have to be pretty desperate to dig around in the freezer for candy. Then again...I have had moments of desperation.

    Sorry, Caution, about the commenting. Blogger has a few issues. Who knows what's going on.

    I should give you all Bethany's postal address so you can send her a giant size box of Dots on her birthday. :-)

  11. Oh what a cutie :)
    Have a great Day!

  12. Aww...he's adorable, Judy! What a pretty little face! We sure didn't have many trick or treaters. The kids and grandkids were all here so I sent the leftover candy all home with them. Oh, except the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that I saved for me! Is that wrong?

  13. I say treat yourself to a little sweetness! We are in a rural area and don't get trick-or-treaters.

  14. Parsley, we are in a rural area too, which explains it. BUT, when I was a kid and lived in a rural area, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, we walked the whole neighborhood, about 5plus miles, to get treats - rain or snow (okay, maybe that's an exaggeration). Sometimes we only got a cookie or a popcorn ball. And we loved every minute of it!

  15. So cute! What a priceless photo. I would of gladly shared half of my 500 trick r treaters with you!!

  16. Adorable! And if you need someone to share those Dots with...you can send some this way! :)

  17. What a cutie!

    I say eat the candy!

  18. Look at that face! What a dolly...We had kids come for the first time. Our neighborhood doesn't have a lot of kids. I hid in my sewing room and let Mitchell take care of the kids that came to the door. =D

  19. From the photo, it looks like he got his share ! ... nice one.
    I missed the event as I was working until 9pm.


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