Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Story of David

This is the story of David. He had been a fun kid, my favorite boy cousin, and full of life. We used to play in the haymow, ride on the toboggan behind the horse, and chow down the Christmas treats that my aunt would hide under the eaves in the cold, where she thought they were safe.

But after David served in Vietnam, he came back a changed person. He turned to drugs, smoking, and alcohol for consolation, his body eventually ravaged by years of harmful substances. As time and emphysema took its toll on him, David became thin and haggard, hardly recognizable as the healthy, handsome, and fun kid he had once been. He looked like an old man years before he should have.

David's body and life were riddled with pain. He had no time for God.

But, In the last year of his life, David learned what all true Christ followers know:

It's not about us or what we do that merits our salvation.  It's all about Jesus and what He has done at the Cross, paying the penalty for the sin of all who put their trust in Him. 

I remember when my dad died last December and I was told by another family member that David wanted me to know that he would be praying for our family. What?! I was shocked. And shocked to learn that David was trusting Jesus. David had acknowledged his hopelessness and ran to the only Rescuer, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who lavished on him grace and mercy unlimited. (He never turns anyone away). David, his sins forgiven, looked forward to seeing His Savior.

Oh sure, he still lived in that unhealthy, painful body, but he had a Savior who loved him and hope and a future!   'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'  Jeremiah 29:11

Why should I have been shocked? I'm ashamed to say that I'd pretty much written him off as a lost cause. And from a human perspective, he probably was. We've all been born into Adam's sinful race, and are totally unable to save ourselves. It is foolish for us to trust other fellow sinners to make a good decision! But Christ IS worthy of our trust. God knows no such thing as a lost cause.The Creator and Master of the Universe is not limited. He forgives sin. He changes hearts. He gives us hope!

But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:13b,14

David recognized his hopeless state. He threw himself upon the mercy of God, and God graciously forgave his sin and clothed him with Christ's righteousness.

...not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith. - Philippians 3:9b

David went to be with his Savior the last week of October.

Praise God for the hope that we have in Christ!



  1. Such a blessing of a post my friend, thank you.

  2. So sorry to hear about your cousin. What a lovely post in honor of him.

    That's the beauty of the atonement, Jesus died for ALL of us so that we can be forgiven of our sins and return to live with Him.

  3. Thank you for sharing this moving story. It reminds me that I mustn't give up hope on those who are straying away from God. I am so impatient, I want them to trust God now. You have the assurance that one day you will be reunited as a family, praise God.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing!!! Such an encouragement for me not to give up on my brother! So sorry for your loss--but what a great comfort to know that you will see him in heaven!

  5. This post brought tears to my eyes!! I know what it's like to "write off" a family member who is basically a lost cause. Praise God that David got to know Christ before he died. I know losing a loved one is hard, but knowing that they are no longer in pain and up in heaven singing praises always brings me comfort.

    Be blessed today!


  6. May loving memories help ease the pain in your heart. HUGS!

  7. No one is ever a lost cause. We can always pray for them and Jesus died for all of us to bring us salvation.

  8. Glory be to God. I'm so happy for David. Saved by God's pure grace.

  9. I like this,"He forgives sin, changes hearts,gives hope."

    What a wonderful message for us all!

  10. What a beautiful post!

    I'm so glad that I finally made it over here... I feel like such a terrible heel for not visiting more or commenting, as you are always so kind to comment on my posts. But I *am* trying to do better! ;-)

    Thanks for sharing your heart...

  11. Very lovely post, Judy. Thanks so much for sharing that story!

  12. What a beautiful eulogy, Judy. I hope that his family has the opportunity to read this. I need to hear these stories now and then. I have a nephew 4 years younger than I who has done the same thing. My brother is a retired pastor, and Terry (his son) has written off all that is of God. Three years ago he had a massive stroke, caused by years of drug abuse and smoking and alcohol, and now he is in a nursing facility for the rest of his life. His mind is good, so I continue to pray that God will call him to Himself. With Him it is never too late, but sometimes we just lose hope.

    I should be up getting dressed for our trip, but I'm on vacation! Does one rush around on vacation? Oh..........yeah.

  13. Such an encouraging post and a poignant reminder that Jesus never fails.

  14. Thank you Judy. A poignant, clear and powerful reminder of the grace of God. I didn't know David but now I will be able to. I continue to thank God and enjoy your writing ability. Keep it up. Jerry

  15. Thanks for that, Matthew 19 v 26 comes to mind.
    I know a person at the moment who finds himself in a difficult locational situation ... maybe because he hasn't fully embraced some of the truths highlighted in this post. ( I'll e-mail you about it sometime)


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