Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Best Chili Con Carne Recipe

Chili, simmering on the stove

I suppose, for modesty's sake, I should have named this post, 'My Favorite Chili Recipe.' But, in my opinion, it IS the best. There's nothing in it that gives me a headache or makes my skin feel super-sensitive for the next few days. It's just plain ingredients...and delicious!

I actually made a double batch of the following recipe, which fits nicely in my Martha Stewart 10 Qt. stainless steel pot. I'm not lavish with my praise for Martha, but I'll have to say, that particular pot is the best I've ever seen. It heats evenly and things don't scorch in it! (unless you're really trying.)

Judy's Chili Con Carne Recipe:

In a large pot, brown the following in a couple T. olive oil:

2# fairly-lean ground beef
1 1/2 onion, chopt
4 ribs celery, diced
1 jalapeno, seeded and minced
some poblano pepper, seeded and diced (optional, but I had some in the freezer from my garden so I used it)
1 red bell pepper or 1 Carmen pepper, seeded and chopt

After the veggies are tender and the beef is thoroughly browned, add the following:

2 1/2 qt. canned tomatoes, slightly drained (that is about 2 1/2# after partially draining)
3 c. cooked red and black beans*, after draining 
2 T. chili powder
1 T. brown sugar
1 1/2 t. salt (or to taste)
a healthy sprinkle of cayenne pepper

Mix this and let it simmer for a few hours. It is actually best if it is then refrigerated for a day or two before serving.

P.S. When I made this a few weeks ago, I decided to add an extra quart of tomatoes to stretch it - at the last minute. NOT a good idea. It definitely needed to be the original recipe, or if I needed to increase it, to increase everything. There was a reason that I first wrote down the recipe. I have now learned not to alter it.

*About the beans:
I purchase dried beans, both red and black beans. Then, the night before I want to make the chili, I place a cup (or so) of each (red and black) into a large pot of water and let them soak overnight. In the morning, I drain the water off, add 6+ c. of clean water to the pot, and cook the beans for a couple hours BEFORE [rinsing and draining them] and adding them to the chili. Of course you can use canned black and red beans, but you'd be surprised how much cheaper these are and how little effort it takes to prepare them.

Another day, another bowl of chili!

Hope you enjoy this chili recipe. Be sure to let me know if you make it! :-)

This post is linked to some or all of the following: Amaze Me Monday and Skip to My Lou and Bedazzle Me Monday and  What's in the Gunny Sack and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and Make the Scene Monday and  Made By You Monday and  Something I Whipped Up Monday and  Motivate Me Monday and  Making Monday Marvelous and Get Your Craft On and Tip Me Tuesday and  Made from Scratch Tuesday and  Take a Look Tuesday and  Tasty Tuesday and Tasty Tuesday and  Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays  and Two Maids a Baking and Overflowing With Creativity and What's Cookin' Wednesday and Cast Party Wednesday and  We Did it Wednesday  and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Threading Your Way and Lisa's Gluten-Free Blog and Favorite Things Friday and I'm Lovin' it Friday and It's a Hodgepodge Friday  and Creative Bloggers and  Serenity Saturday and Get Schooled Saturday and   Home and Family Friday

...and more! Check out all my soaps at


  1. I think it looks wonderful! May print it and cook a small batch for myself!

  2. Chili is one of my favorite comfort foods. Your recipe is a bit different than mine, so I will pin it and give it a try next time. I always use dry beans. I cook mine in the pressure cooker, and they are done in just a few minutes--good time saver. Have a good day.

  3. I love me some chili!! I might have to try that recipe sometime. It looks wonderful!!! Yummy!!

    Have a great day!!


  4. It looks delicious Judy, I haven't had chili con carne in a long time. It's nice to eat on a cold day :)
    Have a lovely day! Big hugs x

  5. That is certainly a great looking pot of chili! You've made me very hungry! It looks delish!

  6. Steve has been saying that chili sounds good, and it's not a dish I usually make. I'm pinning this recipe to try very soon! P.S. I'm BACK!

  7. Yum! A bowl of that right now would be great on this cold, windy, snowy day! Love your version of chili!

  8. It sounds spicy hot. I got some lovely handmade soap in the mail today. Thanks.

  9. This does sound really good. I have never made chili! And I think I need to! Enjoy your day!

  10. It looks and sounds amazing! All those delicious ingredients and the brown sugar got me. I never thought about using dry beans for my chili, but I will next time. I always use dry beans for our ham and bean soup. I really think they're much better than canned and no trouble at all (unless you forget to put them in water the night before!).

  11. Sounds perfect for the knid of snowy day we're having!

  12. Hello Judy,
    I made your, My Favorite Molasses Cookies last week. The cookies and the baker received praise in church on Sunday. I baked the cookies for the Youth Group, they had a fundraiser for Winter Camp. Mr. Manglos, loved the cookies, he commented about them during annoucments Sunday. Said he could not stop eating them, it was hard on his New Year Resolution!
    Thanks for sharing your great recipes. This one looks delicious too!

  13. This looks great! I have always made chili with canned beans, but may try dried based on your tips :)

    First time visiting your blog! Am off to follow. I hope you can visit me at www.actfastchef.blogspot.com

  14. This is supremely perfect chili weather, and the chili looks exceptional! Real ingredients - what a concept ... ;) An ideal crockpot meal, ready and waiting when you come home at the end of a long day ....

  15. I adore chili. I could eat chili and mac and cheese every day of my life and be content. Now if you put the two together... HEAVEN!!! :)

  16. We love chili but I haven't made it in a long time. Your recipe gives me just the motivation I needed to make a pot!

    Newly following from What's Cooking Wednesday. Thanks for the nudge!

  17. Your recipe looks good. Chili is one of those things that I can eat a lot of different ways. I just shopped today and chili ingredients were on my list. They say we may get snow on Friday-Saturday which makes me crave hot hearty foods like chili.

  18. I think I'll try this...it does sound SO good!

  19. I bet this warms one up on a cold night. Looks terrific.

  20. Oh that looks so delicious! I am in need of a good chili recipe and this sounds perfect! Thanks for all the great tips!!

  21. We love chili...especially in the winter months! I always thought I made the best 'Texas' chili but now my hubby makes our chili and I like it even better! New York chili? Doesn't quite have the same ring! heehee! ♥

  22. Hi, I just found your blog--love it! As soon as I comment, I'm going to "follow." :o)

    Your chili looks great! We eat a lot of chili (family of 10 and cooking on a budget) and I often use deer meat, if we are blessed to have some in the freezer.

    Very nice to meet you.

  23. I am looking to make this for a super bowl party...I never used celery in chlli before..will be a different (healthy!) twist..I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  24. Looks SO INCREDIBLY good!!! Thanks LOTS for sharing at Overflowing with Creativity!

    XO, Aimee

    PS Did you sign up for my giveaway yet!?!
    Awesome Customizable Frames, Art & Home Decor


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