Saturday, January 21, 2012

Change of Menu

When 'peanut butter on a Nylabone' just doesn't cut it

There are times that a dog's just gotta be a dog.

There once was a bunny named Peter
Who thought that life couldn't be sweeter.
So carefree he hopped,
'Til suddenly stopped
By Bridger, the great Peter eater!

Hope you got to enjoy your favorite dinner this week!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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  1. This made me giggle just a bit. My daughter's boyfriend works at a funeral we often have conversations about death and burial around here. Said boyfriend is also a Native American. Last night we were talking about the high cost of dying and he mentioned that the tribe he is a member of provides money for burial, but that as far as he was concerned he'd just as soon be tossed out in the wood for the animals to have fun with. I told him that would be fine until a dog like his (that has a reputation for dragging home whatever carcass he finds) brought part of him back home. He thought that was hilarious. We're a gruesome bunch. lol

  2. I just can't stop laughing about the fact that you called your dog a Peter eater. Thanks for the chuckle! Have a great weekend.

  3. Our barncat "Stinky Winky" is our farm's mighty hunter!

    Have a great weekend.

  4. A poet at heart. Glad to know the breed hasn't died off.

  5. Our bunny-killing cat is also named Peter. What are the odds?

    Guess Bridger doesn't mind if there's a hare in his food... :-D

  6. My dog catches pigeons and brings them in through the doggy door. Yuk.

  7. Oh yes! Bring on the puns! :-))

    Poetry? I'm afraid limericks are my specialty and can pop into my head at the most inopportune times!

    And Stacy, yes, I'm afraid I find that pretty hilarious too. I have a vivid imagination.

  8. I was scanning through my 800 some odd entries in my Google Reader and this one made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the laugh, Judy!

  9. There once was a dog named Bear
    Who fancied some venison to tear
    He spotted a deer
    And the fence he did clear
    'Den 'dere was no deer over 'dere

    Thank god my dog is not the only one!! Lol, what a great post. Thanks!

  10. Oh my!! Thank goodness we never give our pup the chance for all her insticts to come out. She likes to chase squirrels.....but thankfully they can climb and she can't.

  11. Oh My! That is sad - but the poem makes it funny.
    Bridger you silly dog!

  12. Oh I know what is going on with that he gets older he just has to prove to himself that he still has it! My friend I loved your limerick and the laughs you provided. I bet Bridger did NOT share his bounty with Misty. :)

  13. Oh I know what is going on with that he gets older he just has to prove to himself that he still has it! My friend I loved your limerick and the laughs you provided. I bet Bridger did NOT share his bounty with Misty. :)

  14. Classic Cranberry morning post !! top limerick too. I wonder what your thoughts were when you saw the predator in Bridger.


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