Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lionel's Response...

...when I told him that I'd blogged about the sleepless night he'd caused.

Don't worry. We've made up and settled upon a pretty good arrangement. He told me that if I took the potted plants off his window seat, he'll refrain from lying on my head and licking my face during the night - at least part of the time.

I'm unveiling a new soap on Monday, here on Cranberry Morning.  I just posted it on Soap'n'Such, my online store.

Have a great weekend! 

...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at


  1. I love this cat, thanks for sharing him.

  2. Glad you reached a happy arrangement between the two of you! Such a cute picture! Enjoy your Saturday!

  3. What do you want to bet, he wants the best of both worlds, you head and his window seat. Cats are like that, you know.

  4. What a great capture! I'm so happy you've reached a compromise. Here's to a good night's sleep and lots of happy cat naps. Have a beautiful weekend, sweet Judy!

  5. As we both know cats rule our world.

  6. Lionel is cute :) Glad things got sorted out between you two ;) Great picture of him. Enjoy your Satuday!


  7. He is such a beautiful cat! I shall have to admire your cat from afar because I will never be able to have one!

  8. His majesty doesn't look the least bit apologetic for disturbing your sleep. LOL He sure is a pretty kitty!

  9. I went to peek at your new sounds wonderful! Enjoy your Sunday! ♥♥♥

  10. Judy, I'm so very sorry, I'm just now getting around to sharing about your lovely soap I received before the holidays. My post is up and every word is true. Amazing soap. Love, love, love it!

  11. Lionel still had you serving him, so of course he was okay with it! What a funny picture ... :) And thanks for the tidbit about comments - I turned it to "full page," and we'll see what happens. Blogger has its quirks, shall we politely say???

  12. LOL.. that is hilarious! I love it when you can catch animals doing something so human :)

  13. That totally cracks me up!

    By the way...I think I could eat your soaps they sound so yummy. ;)

  14. I love the humour in this post. Although I've never owned a cat, I've had a lot of dealings with people who do and I know where you are coming from here.


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