Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Sweet Reflection

cellphone pic

I got this message and picture on my cellphone today. My daughter text (ed?), 

'After washing my hair and putting it up in a towel, 
I turned around to see Henry sporting a towel, too!'

What little mirrors children are!


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  1. Mirrors and sponges. What an opportunity for us to let them soak up the good and honorable things.

  2. I remember my son when he was 3 - I was putting contacts in. When he found little round clear plastic hole punch thingies he tried putting them in his eye. Yep, they are mirrors!

  3. Oh so true, but what a handsome little man. Too cute.

  4. That made me laugh out loud! Too cute!

  5. That little face is adorable! Did you just sit and stare and that picture all day?

  6. I love it when I get pic's of my grands. Makes it like I am getting to be a part of my life.........they do watch our every move do they not? Hugs sweet friend! Don't have the time I would like to leave a comment, but I do read your beautiful blog!

    Have a sweet day! Linda

  7. Indeed they are, and what responsibility we as grandparents have to be light and salt in a dark and tasteless world for those little ones. I am praying for you, Judy, that the light and salt that you pour out to your grandchildren will give them vision to see and that the flavor of true life will be tasted and enjoyed. You are loved and appreciated!

  8. How cute is that. They sure do mimic our actions. Good and bad.

  9. Children are such a delight. He's adorable.

  10. Aren't grandchildren wonderful. What a little cutie.

  11. So cute. I remember trying to get my daughter's hair in a towel like that because she always saw my hair wrapped up in a towel. It never worked. Enjoy your weekend.

  12. That is so cute. I remember when I would blow dry my hair, Sam would want to blow dry his hair.
    One time we pretended to blow dry his Ernie teddy bear's was funny looking, we were both laughing so hard. Then Ernie's hair got really hot! We had to toss him into the bathroom sink!


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