Friday, March 9, 2012

The Daffodils of Dorstone

Pitt Road, Dorstone

Can't you just put yourself into that picture and walk down the hedge-lined Pitt Road! This is probably my very favorite photo from our visit to Dorstone, Herefordshire, already five years ago. It was March, and as you can see, the daffodils were in full bloom. What a beautiful part of the country!

I'll admit that hedge-lined roads are not something I want to see incorporated into the Wisconsin landscape, for we have much greater distances between towns, and hedge-lined, curvy roads don't make for the easiest and quickest way to get from Point A to Point B. Then again, people do not live in Dorstone because they want to get somewhere in a hurry. I'm assuming that they live there because it is the most charming and beautiful countryside ever - in the heart of the Golden Valley. 

I have no idea who those people are, but they had a really cute English Springer Spaniel who was enjoying the walk immensely, just like I was, except that I didn't constantly stop to sniff the road.

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  1. Oh, my, that looks placid! I would love to walk down that lovely flower-lined road. Doesn't that picture just bring a feeling of peace? I miss Europe when you post these pictures!

  2. Oh my word that is so lovely. I definitely can picture myself walking down that road..

  3. This picture makes me so homesick for England. I have traveled many a road like this one. Sigh.

  4. Beautiful picture! Makes me excited for Spring!

  5. My favorite spring flowers are daffodils, what a lovely photo. Thanks for sharing it, hurry up spring and arrive in Wisconsin.

  6. So pretty! and yes, I can picture myself walking down this road. With a smile on my face and a friend at my side enjoying a lovely morning! My thoughts---I got carried away!

  7. Oh, isn't that beautiful! Spring is coming!!! It was nearly 70 here the other day ... sigh. I love "travelling" with you ... :)

  8. Oh, what a beautiful picture. Yet, another one that would be fantastic
    framed hanging on your wall. I love daffodils. Since it's lambing season in March, did you see a lot of baby lambs in the area?

  9. Hi Judy,
    I love this picture, the daffodils are beautiful. Wouldn't mind taking a walk there...! Have a lovely weekend my friend!


  10. Beautiful picture! The daffodils are wonderful! Do they grow wild? Or did someone sometime plant them?

    Our tulips are just starting to come up! Maybe Spring will come early(or at least on time!) this year!?!

  11. So beautiful! You are making me miss the UK this morning!

  12. Such an idyllic setting in that photo. Thank you for sharing! It's absolutely lovely.

  13. How lucky you are to have been to such a beautiful place. It looks like a nice place to walk slowly enjoying every moment of the lucious view.------- Shannon

  14. Such a beautiful picture! Looks like a peaceful place to be!

  15. Oh, wouldn't it be lovely to take a walk down that road?! Makes my neighborhood look pretty boring.

  16. What a beautiful picture! I think you should frame it. Maybe I would actually exercise if I had roads like that in my neighborhood!

  17. Beautiful, would love to walk there.

  18. Beautiful photo. One day I will visit there.

  19. That is so pretty! You must have enjoyed your visit there, how nice...

  20. Oh, Judy, that just might be my favorite photo of yours yet (well, not including the ones of Lionel, of course)! I love hedgerows and daffodils, and your photo was so perfectly composed.

  21. Mine are about ready to bloom! Can you believe it???? Beautiful picture! I hope it's also hanging up on a wall in your house somewhere so you can see it all the time!

  22. I LOVE daffodils! They give me hope that the ugliness of winter is going. (Although, I have to admit that after the daffodils are through blooming, they are pretty ugly themselves!) -

  23. We had a lovely visit to Dorstone but the daffodils were not out yet. And yet, they were everywhere in Yorkshire. They must bloom at different times.

  24. I want to take that walk! Looks so beautiful and mind refreshing!!

  25. Thats a wonderful continuous display along the lane from a quiet corner of the land. Great timing as we are starting to think on things like that now.

  26. Thank you for posting this. My ancestors were born and raised in Dorstone. I saw Dorstone only once, 2 years ago. I planted daffodils in my yard in Utah which helps me remember the beauty of the Golden Valley. You can tell I am homesick for Dorstone. Barbara


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