Friday, March 2, 2012

Leap Year Snowstorm

The backyard flowering crab

We awakened to these scenes on Leap Day. It's beautiful, but only because March promises to take this white stuff away...the sooner, the better. Still, I can hardly complain about the abundance of snow when other parts of the country had storms that brought terrible destruction!

Misty:'Do these jeans make my butt look big?'

Notice that black smudge on the door? 
That's where the dogs scratch
when they want to get in...which is,
anytime I'm not outdoors and they are.

Thank you, Kevin, for shoveling the walk and plowing the driveway! (With a jacket like that, I should have no trouble finding him among the snowbanks.)

Have a great weekend!

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  1. It is pretty-we really haven't experienced much winter this year. We had snow on Wednesday but it didn't stick to the roads.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Oh my that's a lot of snow! It's beautiful, but I wouldn't want to live in it :) I'll keep my 110 degree summers!!

  3. Oh, it's gorgeous!!! We've had maybe 3" of snow all winter. I won't argue - gotta drive to/from work in it, and I hate driving in it! But it's so beautiful, especially when it's falling. And especially if you can sit by the wood stove with a cup of cocoa and just watch ... :)

  4. My area is expecting Mother Nature to dump some of that white stuff on us this afternoon. I don't like shoveling snow or driving in snow, but snow covered trees make beautiful photos. Keep warm❤

  5. It is beautiful. The jacket too. Our area has a "Tor:Con index" of 7 "according to the Weather Channel's tornado expert". I'd much rather have your snow.

  6. Call me crazy, but because we haven't had any snow to speak of here this winter, I think it looks beautiful and a little jealous!

    We have that same spot on our back door!

  7. What a lot of snow. It is beautiful and necessary but so cold. This from a Phoenix transplant.

  8. Our town is blanketed with crispy white snow. The plows have even been out. I have a stain on my bathroom doors just like the one on your door, only mine are from my cat who uses the door to scratch his back.

  9. It's cold, it's messy but it is pretty! Thanks for sharing some pics of your snow. We've not seen much of it this year.

  10. Gosh, you had a deluge there. We've pretty much missed it this year - I don't mind though!

  11. Look at all your beautiful snow!!!!!! I'm so jealous! It's just gorgeous! Can you send some my way? LOL

  12. Hi Judy, my my that is some snow you've got there. Reminds me of back home in Sweden. It looks lovely and you sure has got a lot of it. It looks very pretty.
    Have a fantastic Weekend!
    Big hugs

  13. Looks like plenty of snow to me. Have a great March.

  14. What a lovely snowy image......freshly shoveled walks and happy dogs too!

  15. Brrr! And to thing we're headed to the Milwaukee area very soon. Yikes! Stay warm!

  16. It's really pretty, Judy. We got 10+ inches in the last storm and expecting another couple overnight. I'm hoping this is the last hurrah for this pretty much uneventful winter. Have a great weekend!

  17. Oh, my goodness! The only time I have ever seen that much snow is when I have skied in Colorado and Germany. We have (obviously) NEVER had anything like that in Arkansas, and hopefully never will--although it is quite beautiful. I love looking at the pictures, no more than that.

  18. That's a lot of snow. We missed a lot of it this year on the east coast. The west gets all the weather ... both good & bad !!


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