Friday, March 23, 2012

March in NW Wisconsin

Typical March in NW Wisconsin

The photo above could represent just about every year other than this one. That's March. But this March is spectacular! Along with most of the country east of the Mississippi, we've had unseasonably warm temps due to the jet stream that has favored us this year. Several days in a row of temperatures in the 70s and 80s have brought smiles to all our typically dour winter faces.

What you see below is a sampling of the March 2012 scenes in my neighborhood:

Happy Horses on D

Hmmm. Can't be a flat tire.

One of my favorite farms on Fifth Avenue

Jerry's Tor

Shakespeare Hill

This photo was taken a few days ago.
Now, even that bit of snow is gone. :-)

 I keep expecting skinny cows to peek out from behind those trees!

The forecast for all next week is much the same as for this week. Great weather!! And yet, we aren't fooled. We know that any time, even the first part of April, we could see another snowstorm. I advised Kevin not to take down the snow fence just yet.

But this weather is making me itch to get that garden going again! My pepper and tomato seeds are planted indoors, waiting...

...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at

Have a great weekend, everyone! 


  1. That looks like a great place to live. I would love to be able to see that farm every day. Keep 'em coming.

  2. You all have definitely been lucky this year with the really nice weather! Chris's brother lives in Appleton Wisconsin and he was just saying how disappointed he was in winter this year! lol
    Great pictures, as always! Thanks for sharing.

  3. The weather has been very beautiful in our neck of the woods, and like you I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. You know what they say "You can't fool Mother Nature." Great photos.

  4. I love the barn, too! We're supposed to have that nice weather back all next week. It's been raining every day here this week. If the sun comes out tomorrow (should I sing?), I'll be cleaning up little paw prints everywhere that I gave up on Wednesday!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Those pictures are great! Looks like a beautiful place to live. Like another blogger posted, keep em coming.

  6. It's supposed to be 78F here in Colorado today. Usually this is when we get the bulk of our snow - strange weather!! Enjoy the burst of spring :)

  7. Beautiful photos. The hardest part of this unseasonably hot weather is the desire to garden, when we know it is too early.

  8. I was cracking up about the buggy---can't be a flat tire...LOL You know me well enough by now. I'll take the first picture please. :)

    Oh, wanted to tell you that I used your soap to wash my hair this morning. I thought, why not? I don't want to use chemicals even in my shampoo/conditioner so I used the soap. My hair is softer, shinier, lighter than it's ever been! Did you know this would happen?

  9. Lovely photos! So glad you are getting the beautiful weather too! We have never ever seen the daffodils blooming this early!! It is crazy!

  10. Loved your photos - you are very talented. We are finally getting some warm weather - up to 70 F. today.

  11. Wow, Judy! This is so beautiful yet so different than the spring we're experiencing here in Texas. So interesting to see how others are living this time of year. Stay warm!

    Also, I’m having a great giveaway today with four potential prize winners, so you should enter!

  12. I love the photos Judy! And don't you just hate setbacks in March, how typical eh? You live in a beautiful place indeed. Have a lovely weekend and may the sun shine =)


  13. And here we've had a little dusting of SNOW several times this week. Crazy! Enjoy the warm for us; we'll be lucky to hit fifty!

  14. I really am enjoying your pictures and getting to know you. What beautiful scenery is up your way. You get to see some very beautiful things there. sandie

  15. Great photos of your world. I agree with the idea that you never think winter is over until it's over as sheep & lambs have been confused here at Easter before. We have had only two light snowfalls all winter which makes me think ..... then again it was a bad one last year.
    I love the "flat tire" caption.

  16. It's nice to have an early Spring but I've seen big cold blasts after things are blooming in NC, too so I know you have to be prepared. It is very beautiful where you live.

  17. That looks a lot like the Okanagan...and the snow is pretty much the same here.

    Love the photos.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  18. Although this first photo is stunningly beautiful, I sure do like the others better!! Looks like you are having great weather and I love your photos.

  19. I cannot believe we are mowing in March!! And my flowers are at least 6 weeks ahead of schedule. I am not complaining. I do feel bad for those cities with tulip festivals. They will be having a Stem Fest this year, I am afraid....


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