Friday, March 30, 2012

Murphy's Flowage, NW Wisconsin

County Road F, in Rusk County, WI
Looks like Virginia, doesn't it!

We were east of Birchwood earlier in the month, when I saw a sign that read, 'Murphy's Flowage.' I had never been to Murphy's Flowage, but I remembered that my grandma used to go fishing there, a lot.

So I asked Kevin if we couldn't follow that road. It's beautiful country, and pretty wild. Eventually, we came upon the following sign:

Below the dam, this pretty river

Behind the dam, the lake
I'm assuming that this is Murphy's Lake
It would seem reasonable, wouldn't it.

We could still see snowmobile tracks on the lake, but no one would have dared be on that lake the day we were there. And just a couple weeks later, all that snow is completely gone.

It's not often we see crocodiles or alligators in lakes around here.
Okay, so you think it's a log, but with a little imagination...

Walking up the hill toward the campsites
Reconnaissance... for a future summer getaway

This one is JUST RIGHT, with a nice view of the lake.
It's first come- first served. I'm hoping that if we go during the middle of the week we may find it unoccupied.

...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at

Any camping trips in your future? Close to home - or in another state?
Tent or RV? 

Have a great weekend, everyone! 

By the way, none of my comments on Blogger blogs are going through this morning. I keep getting an error message bX-cy0oum. I have tried Google to find the fix for this, but so far nothing's working. Hopefully this will be resolved by the weekend and I can get back to your blogs!


  1. It's so pretty and peaceful! I'm a city girl, and even I found this enticing - how 'bout that??? :)

  2. Judy - if I win the lottery tonight (LOL) I would love to put a nice cabin there - it is really beautiful country right there - love the river moving through it. Have a good weekend. sandie

  3. What a beautiful place! I even don't mind seeing a little snow!!

  4. WI has so many interesting county roads, and it looks like you had fun exploring one of them! Nice photos that reminded me of lots of fun times in my home state.

  5. I had the same dang issue with Blogger this morning but it is fine now. You certainly live in a beautiful area of our country! Everything looks so fresh and clean! Your crock was hilarious!

  6. What an interesting name. Never thought of a river as "Flowage". Looks like a pretty spot. I love all those tall pines, the wind through them must be beautiful.
    I do think the log looks like a crock! ;)

  7. It was a lovely place that you found. I don't camp anymore - but I sure did my share of camping in Idaho when I was young.

  8. Lovely photos Judy :) And I agree with Sandie, wouldn't mind to have a cabin at that place :)
    Have a lovely weekend my friend!

    Big hugs

  9. Wisconsin is such a beautiful state. Your pictures show off the beauty well.

    We had a pop up camper for several years and we loved it. We sold it last year due to needing funds and lack of time to go camping. Kids got too busy. Someday, I want to get back to camping again when our nest is empty. =)

  10. We used to go camping every summer when our daughter was small. We have such great memories. This is a really pretty spot, love the photos. <3

  11. I would LOVE to tell you that I'm a camping girl, but sadly I'm NOT! I may live in the country now, but I was raised in Queens, NY! The pictures you shared are beautiful!

  12. The scenery and lake look so peaceful! (except for that alligator) =)

  13. Your pictures are beautiful. Looks so peaceful.

  14. Gorgeous! That is so nice to visit a place that you know your grandma had been fishing. When I was in Germany the last time my mom showed me where she went to school and her long walk to school she took every day (in lots of snow and ice) and also where my grandma was a child. It was so amazing to think about my family back in their childhoods. I hope you are well! Things have been so busy! I will be around much more. Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  15. Sam loves Murphy's Flowage! We like to hike the Ice Age Trail...Molly does too.

  16. We were just saying we'd like to do some camping, either Tennessee or maybe go a little bit north into NY state. I want to see the area around the Finger Lakes which is supposed to be beautiful. Love your pictures as always.


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