Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kentucky Derby Weekend

 Brogan, with his Dr. Who Sonic Screwdriver

Last weekend, Kentucky Derby weekend, the grandkids were out (with their parents, of course). Did I get a photo of the parents? No. Did I get a photo of Littlest Brother? No. He moves too fast. :-) And did I get a photo of Sister? No. Even though she was sitting at the piano and that would have been a great opportunity, I didn't think of it. I was listening to her and visiting with her. Sigh.  Next time.

Soren, having caught a rubber ducky in the pond

Snails and leaves weren't the only thing Grandpa found at the bottom of the pond after cleaning it out. (It was so nice of him to do that job. It's like cleaning out a sewer when all that decayed plant matter has to be scooped out.) I suspect that the boys loved helping with that project. Who doesn't love mud, snails, and soggy leaves? After he filled it up with fresh water, a few rubber duckies came floating to the top.

It was a pretty wet weekend, but after the rain we managed to have a campfire and pick mint for our mint juleps. Mint Juleps?? Yes! It was the afternoon of the Kentucky Derby, after all. Brogan helped pick the mint and with my instructions and assistance, made the mint syrup. Both boys were hesitant to try the syrup, but once they each had a wee taste, they were eager to have more. Anyway, their Coke and mint syrup was their Kentucky Derby mint julep. It was a big hit.

By the way, the recipe for the mint juleps came from Ginger of Small Town USA. Check it out!

And since it seemed the thing to do to have mint juleps before the Derby, I made one Official Mint Julep and shared it with the other adults. And yes, we did watch the Derby. What an amazing race! What an amazing jockey! What an amazing horse!  I'll Have Another.  But I didn't.

And why is it that I can't think of mint juleps without seeing Shelby Foote sitting on a wicker chair on the porch of some huge, white Southern mansion, and in that low, mellow, distinctive Southern drawl, telling of the Siege of Vicksburg - as though he had been there!

The boys with their 'mint juleps'
(mint sugar water and Coke)

At one point in the weekend, little Soren said to me, 'Gwamma, I don't unnerstand. I just don't unnerstand. Why do Gwammas and Gwampas haffa wiv so fau away?'  It MELTED MY HEART!!!♥♥

'I'll Have Another' 
and jockey Mario Gutierrez

Cranberry Tea
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  1. Sounds like a good time was had by all.

  2. Sounds like you had fun! My father used to always watch the Kentucky Derby. I missed it this year but thought the name of the winner was GREAT! Have a nice day!

  3. What a great time you all had together. Those are memories your grandchildren will take with them through life.. I love it!

  4. Seet pics of the kiddos. You'll have to tell your Grandson that we are Doctor Who fans too.

  5. Maybe Gwanma and Gwanpa need to move cwoser. So cute.

  6. Dr Who fan - that's me. I didn't know you could get a Dr. Who screw driver. I bet you are glad that your hubby is there to clean out the pond? Loved your post.

  7. My heck! I WANT that Sonic Screwdriver! I may be a little obsessed with Dr. Who. :)

  8. I've never heard of julep??

    What special moments spent with your grandkids.

    How sweet of little Soren to say that. Melted my heart reading that. :)

  9. Sounds like you had a nice weekend :-)
    Have a great day!

  10. How sweet!
    I am glad you enjoyed the Derby! How creative to celebrate. :)

  11. Oh my....that would melt my heart too! What a cutie pie. Do you Skype or use the face to face app that IPhones have? My neighbor has two grandchildren who live in Florida. It's tough, but she manages to get down there fairly often.

  12. such cute images.
    Herre's to a Triple Crown winner this YEAR

  13. Yeah, my heart would have been butter, too! What a fun weekend and adorable pictures!

  14. I'm from the deep south and have never, ever had a mint julep! Maybe it's time to change that. Sweet looking kids! Have a great night!

  15. Oh the Kentucky Derby! Little Chick would have loved to see that! That is great that you made mint juleps for the kids! It sounds like a fun time! I hope you are doing well. Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. You have the cutest grandkids!! :)

  18. What fun. He's a doll. So glad you all had fun and a julep! Thanks for the shout out, I appreciate it so much. Hugs my sweet friend. Have a great weekend. :D


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