Saturday, May 5, 2012

Springtime Blossoms

 Flowering Crab Blossoms - after the rain

The grandkids (and their parents) are here for the weekend until Sunday, at which time we will be going to our granddaughter's confirmation.  I wanted to take a minute to post this photo I took today. The flowering crab was gorgeous a couple days ago, laden with pink-purple blossoms. Then we got rain, lots of rain. Now the petals are on the ground. But look how beautiful they are, even on the ground among the hostas in the pond garden!

How gracious of God to give us all this beauty to enjoy. At my friends' Bible study the other day we were discussing how God could have chosen to put us on an asphalt planet or withheld beauty from us. But instead, look at all the color, shape, texture, scent, variety! He gave us so much beauty, so much for which to thank Him, so much to cause us to wonder and delight in Him. So much to make us want to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever!



  1. Oh Judy I a so agree with that. The flowers are lovely. Have fun with your company. And I hope the confirmation goes well. Love, sandie

  2. Yes, God has blessed us with such beauty but I do believe that our planet is rock and asphalt is man made. Have a wonderful time with your family.


  3. That's a lovely photo.
    Enjoy your family time and I hope your granddaughter's confirmation goes well.

    Take care.

  4. So pretty! How great that your family is there! That means a fantastic weekend for you! Oh, did I tell you the soaps arrived? Like two days after I ordered them- you are speedy quick! I love them all- as usual!

  5. What a beautiful picture! I want one of those plants! Exciting time for you and your family! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!

  6. What a beautiful picture. It made me stop and smile. Thanks for that moment!

  7. Your purple snow is very pretty! Here it's pink snow from all the flowering plums and cherries. An asphalted earth would be boringly scary!

  8. What a lovely blanket of petals for your Hostas! A beautiful photo, my friend!

  9. Beautiful colors. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I agree there is so much beauty to see.

  10. Judy, what a beautiful photo! The colors are amazing! I hope you had a wonderful weekend with your family.

  11. Yes, I agree Judy.
    Hope the weekend went well!
    It was a beautiful Sunday with all the plants wet and happy!

  12. Beautiful picture. I love the purple next to the green. Hope you had a fun weekend with the family!

  13. Such a gorgeous image....

    I love the cat' name TUPPENCE!!!!!! wonderful
    came to you from a comment on Judy's blog


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