Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Longstreet, Remembering Gettysburg

General [Wishbone] Longstreet
Gazing pensively toward the horizon,
Remembering that day - 
July 3, 1863

When he told General Lee, as they stood on Seminary Ridge
at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,

Facing an impossible situation,

'It is my opinion that no 15,000 men ever arrayed for battle can take that position! '

and even now,

as he rests in history,

we hear him quietly whisper,

'Told you so.
Just sayin' '

James Longstreet c.1867
National Archives

Next year in Gettysburg!



  1. It's an incredible spot to visit if you're in the area. We just drove past it Sunday on our way home from TN. My sister in law lives nearby and I'd like to get back. I haven't been in a long time.

  2. A place I've missed even with a few trips to PA. General Wishbone is a cutie.

  3. I've always said I wanted to visit Gettysburg before I died.. I think with as much history behind it, it's got to be on the bucket list!

  4. that is one handsome general, the canine not the old one. LOL.

  5. Such sadness and so much loss! Makes us realize what they went through so we can have freedom today. Great post!

  6. Very cute general. Where did you get him?

  7. Happy 4th of July Judy. Interesting post. sandie

  8. That's a cute general and military tribute for July 4th.

  9. How sad ..such a loss of life in such a way. But the General there is cute as a button.


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